


missing items and player detection malfunction on ftb revelations

suneyedset opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I am using your mod in the ftb modpack revelations, and it is the latest version of your mod. I tried creating a door with detect player checked in the door factory. When I approach the door, it opens, and then stays open and will not close, even when clicked on. I looked in jei for the player detector after watching a youtube video about your mod, and found it was missing from the list. In fact, it looks like a lot of things are missing, when I type in @malisisdoors in jei. I checked the config files, but could not see an explanation. Are items left out of the 7.3.0 version? Have you play tested using the doors created by the door factory with the player detection box checked?


I know that some things got shifted around with newer versions of Malisis Doors as I myself could not find the player detector. Apparently its been moved into the Malisis Blocks mod now, kinda strange when its so tied to door functioning. After I added that, a lot of my door issues went away so perhaps give that a shot. Though Iron trapdoors are invisible for me now. Work just fine, just can't see them lol.