


MalisisDoors kills SpongeForge from loading

xfrankbx opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Hi, not sure if this is a good spot for this or not. Hopefully you can help.
I have a Minecraft 1.12.2 server, Forge and SpongeForge
I have LuckPerms, Nucleus, griefprevention, projectinventories plugins loaded with Sponge and a crap ton of normal Mods for Forge that load without issues.
My issue. If I take this down to a bare server even. Forge, Sponge, and MalisisDoors & Core, Sponge won't even load.
I have no idea why Sponge fails to load when I add MalisisDoors mod into my mods folder. But since I usually run near 80 Mods and MalisisDoors is the only one that I add that kills Sponge from loading, I'm going to assume there is something that Sponge isn't liking that MalisisDoors is doing. Any thoughts on the issue / how to make it would would be appreciated. I don't even know where to start, which is why I am asking here.
Log file here:



I had a similar issue. If you rename the spongeforge file into something like "aaaaaaaaspongeforge..." it should start up.


@Liiw Thanks for the tip, that works. Why in the world does that work ? LoL


@Fboyd I'm not very well versed in the inner workings of all this. As far as I understood, malisisdoors (or malisiscore) is using something similar to what spongeforge is using and it is an outdated version. Since M comes before S, the malisis' version is loaded first. By renaming spongeforge, the load order is altered so that spongeforge can load first and this cancels the need for malisis to load it. I found the info in a forum somewhere, but I don't remember where anymore.


Definitely linked to Ordinastie/MalisisCore#151 or Ordinastie/MalisisCore#147 respectively.