Runtime Exception on startup.
Aquaeyes opened this issue · 8 comments
RuntimeException: Mixin transformation of org.quiltmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.UnusedEmptyTargetClass failed
NoClassDefFoundError: com/llamalad7/mixinextras/MixinExtrasBootstrap
ClassNotFoundException: com.llamalad7.mixinextras.MixinExtrasBootstrap
Mod versions:
and using quilt loader 0.17.1-beta.6-1.19
@Aquaeyes should work now - download latest on either platform & it should run fine
Now I'm getting Critical injection failure: @ModifyVariable annotation on malum$brilliantObeliskEnchantmentPower could not find any targets matching 'm_mpsetdhw' in net.minecraft.class_1718
Works like a charm! Only issue is that modrinth doesn't seem to have the new file? The one on curseforge works wonderfully though, tyvm!
modrinth does have the new file, I modified the b1.1.3 version directly instead of uploading a new one
Modrinth's download shows as 9259KB, the same as the prior version, and also gives the same crash, with curseforge being 9260KB. Unless some weird caching is going on, in which case, heck.