Malum (Quilt)

Malum (Quilt)


Datapack error when loading with Create

Aquaeyes opened this issue ยท 10 comments



When creating a world with Create installed alongside, a warning for [23:43:06] [Render thread/WARN]: @ModifyConstant conflict. Skipping malum.mixins.json:SeverPlayerInteractionManagerMixin->@ModifyConstant::processBlockBreakingAction(D)D from mod malum with priority 1000, already redirected by mixins.reach-entity-attributes.json:ServerPlayerInteractionManagerMixin->@ModifyConstant::getActualReachDistance(D)D from mod reach-entity-attributes with priority 1000 will appear, alongside the error in-game 'Errors in currently selected datapacks prevented the world from loading. You can either try to load with only the vanilla data pack ("safe mode"), or go back to the title screen and fix it manually.' - with the Safe Mode option not doing anything.

Installed mods are

  • create-mc1.18.2_v0.4.1+586
  • malum-fabric-b1.0.1
  • qsl-1.1.0-beta.8_qfapi-1.0.0-beta.14_fapi-0.51.1_mc-1.18.2
  • trinkets-3.3.1

i just fixed that one, there seems to be a new one with ingredients :/


yea that seems like a constants collision due to a rune requiring to extend the server reach distance, ill try to change the modifyconstant to modify g instead but it's a really tight inject, id also expect other issues to occur after this with create


There also exists a smiliar error with Botania, should I make a separate issue for that despite the similarity?


Sure, go ahead - post the full log as well


is the weirdness about the item particles?


..though there is some weirdness with REI if Malum is installed


is the weirdness about the item particles?

No, half of all REI recipe categories are not viewable when Create and Malum are both installed. I should've been clearer in my previous msg, I will investigate this a tiny bit further and open an issue.


Actually Create + Malum + REI by themselves don't do this, this is more complicated than I thought


I was completely wrong, bisection shows that the real problem is Spectrum (see #8)