


Special Render issue: Vanish/offset when in hand [1.18.2]

Shibva opened this issue ยท 18 comments



this only happens if you have the item in either your main and off hand


oh; my dumbass XD

Its not offseting its the glow just disappearing;
why there's a light is because of the mod im using here


turns it off to get a clean shot and finds out that its not happening anymore

... Sonna Bitch

GOOD NEWS! I found the issue without even trying XD

The Culpret: Inventory HUD+ for some reason is causing it

after some light testing, I've concluded that this will happen if any of your items for some reason are rendered from any part of the Inventory and Armor HUD module


I cannot seem to replicate this issue, could you send another screenshot or send a list of mods you are using?


Yes, I just force-crashed my game (via Debug-Crash) and with it I have the entire modlist
IMPORTANT NOTE: while optifine is in here and is known to cause issues with many mods, this issue was existing BEFORE I added it, so It cant be Optifine

		hexerei-0.1.19.jar                                |Hexerei                       |hexerei                       |0.1.19              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		CyclopsCore-1.18.2-1.15.1.jar                     |Cyclops Core                  |cyclopscore                   |1.15.1              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		adaptive_performance_tweaks_core_1.18.2-3.5.2.jar |APTweaks: Core                |adaptive_performance_tweaks_co|3.5.2               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		YungsBetterDungeons-1.18.2-Forge-2.1.0.jar        |YUNG's Better Dungeons        |betterdungeons                |1.18.2-Forge-2.1.0  |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		blue_skies-1.18.2-1.3.12.jar                      |Blue Skies                    |blue_skies                    |1.3.12              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		supermartijn642configlib-1.1.3-forge-mc1.18.jar   |SuperMartijn642's Config Libra|supermartijn642configlib      |1.1.3               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		paucal-forge-1.18.2-0.4.7.jar                     |PAUCAL                        |paucal                        |0.4.7               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		AIOTBotania-1.18.2-2.1.1.jar                      |AIOT Botania                  |aiotbotania                   |1.18.2-2.1.1        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		stalwart-dungeons-1.18.2-1.2.2.jar                |Stalwart Dungeons             |stalwart_dungeons             |1.2.2               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		MultiMine-1.18.3.jar                              |Multi Mine                    |multimine                     |1.18.3              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Incendium_v5.0.4.jar                              |Incendium                     |incendium                     |0.0NONE             |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		sophisticatedcore-1.18.2-             |Sophisticated Core            |sophisticatedcore             |1.18.2-     |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		InsaneLib-1.5.0-mc1.18.2.jar                      |InsaneLib                     |insanelib                     |1.5.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		villagernames_1.18.2-3.5.jar                      |Villager Names                |villagernames                 |3.5                 |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		realisticbees_1.18.2-2.5.jar                      |Realistic Bees                |realisticbees                 |2.5                 |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Controlling-forge-1.18.2-9.0+19.jar               |Controlling                   |controlling                   |9.0+19              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Placebo-1.18.2-6.4.0.jar                          |Placebo                       |placebo                       |6.4.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		ortus-1.18.2-1.0.jar                              |Ortus Lib                     |ortus                         |1.18.2-1.0          |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		YungsApi-1.18.2-Forge-2.0.8.jar                   |YUNG's API                    |yungsapi                      |1.18.2-Forge-2.0.8  |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		feature_nbt_deadlock_be_gone_forge-2.0.0+1.18.2.ja|Feature NBT Deadlock Be Gone  |feature_nbt_deadlock_be_gone  |2.0.0+1.18.2        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		culinaryconstruct-forge-1.18.2-        |Culinary Construct            |culinaryconstruct             |1.18.2-      |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		upgradednetherite_items-1.18.2-|Upgraded Netherite : Items    |upgradednetherite_items       |1.18.2-|DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Bookshelf-Forge-1.18.2-13.2.20.jar                |Bookshelf                     |bookshelf                     |13.2.20             |DONE      |Manifest: eb:c4:b1:67:8b:f9:0c:db:dc:4f:01:b1:8e:61:64:39:4c:10:85:0b:a6:c4:c7:48:f0:fa:95:f2:cb:08:3a:e5
		sophisticatedbackpacks-1.18.2-      |Sophisticated Backpacks       |sophisticatedbackpacks        |1.18.2-   |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		lootbeams-1.18.1-release-jan1522.jar              |LootBeams                     |lootbeams                     |1.18.1              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		guardvillagers-                   |Guard Villagers               |guardvillagers                |1.4.3               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		adaptive_performance_tweaks_gamerules_1.18.2-3.5.1|APTweaks: Gamerules           |adaptive_performance_tweaks_ga|3.5.1               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		DarkUtilities-Forge-1.18.2-10.0.5.jar             |DarkUtilities                 |darkutils                     |10.0.5              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Apotheosis-1.18.2-5.3.5.jar                       |Apotheosis                    |apotheosis                    |5.3.5               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		ProgressiveBosses-3.5.11-mc1.18.2.jar             |Progressive Bosses            |progressivebosses             |3.5.11              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		GrimoireOfGaia4-1.18.2-2.0.0-alpha.8.jar          |Grimoire of Gaia 4            |grimoireofgaia                |2.0.0-alpha.8       |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		SnowRealMagic-1.18.2-forge-4.0.0.jar              |Snow! Real Magic!             |snowrealmagic                 |4.0.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		JustEnoughResources-1.18.2-         |Just Enough Resources         |jeresources                   |          |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Paraglider-1.18.2-                     |Paraglider                    |paraglider                    |             |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		cloth-config-6.2.62-forge.jar                     |Cloth Config v4 API           |cloth_config                  |6.2.62              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		MmmMmmMmmMmm-1.18.2-1.5.2.jar                     |MmmMmmMmmMmm                  |dummmmmmy                     |1.18-1.5.2          |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		upgradednetherite-1.18.2-      |Upgraded Netherite            |upgradednetherite             |1.18.2-|DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		ExperienceBugFix-1.18-                |Experience Bug Fix            |experiencebugfix              |            |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		structure_gel-1.18.2-2.4.2.jar                    |Structure Gel API             |structure_gel                 |2.4.2               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		EquipmentCompare-1.18.1-1.2.12.jar                |Equipment Compare             |equipmentcompare              |1.2.12              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		AdvancementPlaques-1.18.2-1.4.3.jar               |Advancement Plaques           |advancementplaques            |1.4.3               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		morevillagers-forge-1.18.2-3.3.0.jar              |More Villagers                |morevillagers                 |3.3.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		entangled-1.3.11-forge-mc1.18.jar                 |Entangled                     |entangled                     |1.3.11              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Enderite-1.4-1.18.2-Forge.jar                     |Enderite                      |lolenderite                   |1.4-1.18.2          |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		CommonCapabilities-1.18.2-2.8.2.jar               |CommonCapabilities            |commoncapabilities            |2.8.2               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Aquamirae 3.2.0 (Forge 1.18.2).jar                |Aquamirae                     |ob_aquamirae                  |3.2.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		aquatictorches-1.18-1.1.0.jar                     |Aquatic Torches               |aquatictorches                |1.1.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		supermartijn642corelib-1.0.18-forge-mc1.18.jar    |SuperMartijn642's Core Lib    |supermartijn642corelib        |1.0.18              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Botania-1.18.2-433.jar                            |Botania                       |botania                       |1.18.2-433          |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		curios-forge-1.18.2-                   |Curios API                    |curios                        |1.18.2-      |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		tetra-1.18.2-4.9.2.jar                            |Tetra                         |tetra                         |4.9.2               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Patchouli-1.18.2-70.jar                           |Patchouli                     |patchouli                     |1.18.2-70           |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		armorpointspp-forge-1.18.2-3.0.1.jar              |ArmorPoints++                 |armorpointspp                 |1.18.2-3.0.1        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		collective-1.18.2-4.28.jar                        |Collective                    |collective                    |4.28                |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		BetterThanLlamas-1.18-1.1.1.jar                   |Better Than Llamas            |betterthanllamas              |1.1.1               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		time-in-a-bottle-2.1.0-mc1.18.1.jar               |Time In A Bottle              |tiab                          |2.1.0-mc1.18.1      |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		IntegratedTunnels-1.18.2-1.8.12.jar               |IntegratedTunnels             |integratedtunnels             |1.8.12              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		BetterVillage-Forge-1.18.2-1.0.1.jar              |Better Village                |bettervillage                 |1                   |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		YungsBetterStrongholds-1.18.2-Forge-2.1.1.jar     |YUNG's Better Strongholds     |betterstrongholds             |1.18.2-Forge-2.1.1  |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		tombstone-7.4.8-1.18.2.jar                        |Corail Tombstone              |tombstone                     |7.4.8               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		overweightfarming-1.18.2-1.3.2-forge.jar          |Overweight Farming            |overweight_farming            |1.18.2-1.3.2-forge  |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Runelic-Forge-1.18.2-11.0.1.jar                   |Runelic                       |runelic                       |11.0.1              |DONE      |Manifest: eb:c4:b1:67:8b:f9:0c:db:dc:4f:01:b1:8e:61:64:39:4c:10:85:0b:a6:c4:c7:48:f0:fa:95:f2:cb:08:3a:e5
		architectury-4.4.71.jar                           |Architectury                  |architectury                  |4.4.71              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		AI-Improvements-1.18.2-0.5.0.jar                  |AI-Improvements               |aiimprovements                |0.5.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		enchantwithmob-1.18.2-4.2.0.jar                   |Enchant With Mob              |enchantwithmob                |1.18.2-4.2.0        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		adaptive_performance_tweaks_items_1.18.2-3.5.1.jar|APTweaks: Items               |adaptive_performance_tweaks_it|3.5.1               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		ScalingHealth-1.18.2-6.2.1+4.jar                  |Scaling Health                |scalinghealth                 |6.2.1+4             |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		FastLeafDecay-28.jar                              |FastLeafDecay                 |fastleafdecay                 |28                  |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		YungsBetterMineshafts-1.18.2-Forge-2.1.3.jar      |YUNG's Better Mineshafts      |bettermineshafts              |1.18.2-Forge-2.1.3  |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		voidtotem-forge-1.18.2-1.3.1.jar                  |Void Totem                    |voidtotem                     |1.18.2-1.3.1        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		geckolib-forge-1.18-3.0.24.jar                    |GeckoLib                      |geckolib3                     |3.0.24              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		TradingPost-v3.2.0-1.18.2-Forge.jar               |Trading Post                  |tradingpost                   |3.2.0               |DONE      |Manifest: 9a:09:85:98:65:c4:8c:11:c5:49:f6:d6:33:23:39:df:8d:b4:ff:92:84:b8:bd:a5:83:9f:ac:7f:2a:d1:4b:6a
		BetterAdvancements-1.18.2-           |Better Advancements           |betteradvancements            |           |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Kiwi-1.18.2-forge-6.1.2.jar                       |Kiwi                          |kiwi                          |6.1.2               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		StylishEffects-v3.1.0-1.18.2-Forge.jar            |Stylish Effects               |stylisheffects                |3.1.0               |DONE      |Manifest: 9a:09:85:98:65:c4:8c:11:c5:49:f6:d6:33:23:39:df:8d:b4:ff:92:84:b8:bd:a5:83:9f:ac:7f:2a:d1:4b:6a
		adaptive_performance_tweaks_spawn_1.18.2-3.5.2.jar|APTweaks: Spawn               |adaptive_performance_tweaks_sp|3.5.2               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		RootsClassic-1.18.2-1.1.24.jar                    |Roots Classic                 |rootsclassic                  |1.18.2-1.1.24       |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		MCDoom-1.18.2-4.2.16.jar                          |Doom Mod                      |doom                          |4.2.16              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		jei-1.18.2-                          |Just Enough Items             |jei                           |           |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		VisualWorkbench-v3.3.0-1.18.2-Forge.jar           |Visual Workbench              |visualworkbench               |3.3.0               |DONE      |Manifest: 9a:09:85:98:65:c4:8c:11:c5:49:f6:d6:33:23:39:df:8d:b4:ff:92:84:b8:bd:a5:83:9f:ac:7f:2a:d1:4b:6a
		AttributeFix-Forge-1.18.2-14.0.2.jar              |AttributeFix                  |attributefix                  |14.0.2              |DONE      |Manifest: eb:c4:b1:67:8b:f9:0c:db:dc:4f:01:b1:8e:61:64:39:4c:10:85:0b:a6:c4:c7:48:f0:fa:95:f2:cb:08:3a:e5
		the-conjurer-1.18.2-1.1.1.jar                     |The Conjurer                  |conjurer_illager              |1.1.1               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Pehkui-3.3.2+1.18.2-forge.jar                     |Pehkui                        |pehkui                        |3.3.2+1.18.2-forge  |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		LibraryFerret-Forge-1.18.2-1.0.3.jar              |Library ferret                |libraryferret                 |1.0.3               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		createchunkloading-1.1.0-forge.jar                |Create Chunkloading           |createchunkloading            |1.1.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		TaxFreeLevels-1.3.1-forge-1.18.1.jar              |Tax Free Levels               |taxfreelevels                 |1.3.1               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		shutupexperimentalsettings-1.0.5.jar              |Shutup Experimental Settings! |shutupexperimentalsettings    |1.0.5               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		NaturesCompass-1.18.2-1.9.5-forge.jar             |Nature's Compass              |naturescompass                |1.18.2-1.9.5-forge  |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		artifacts-1.18.2-4.0.7.jar                        |Artifacts                     |artifacts                     |1.18.2-4.0.7        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Serene Seasons-1.18.2-                |Serene Seasons                |sereneseasons                 |1.18.2-     |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		configured-1.5.3-1.18.2.jar                       |Configured                    |configured                    |1.5.3               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		LibX-1.18.2-3.2.15.jar                            |LibX                          |libx                          |1.18.2-3.2.15       |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		compactmachines-4.3.0.jar                         |Compact Machines 4            |compactmachines               |4.3.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		alcocraft-1.0.0.jar                               |Alcocraft                     |alcocraft                     |1.0.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		champions-forge-1.18.2-                |Champions                     |champions                     |1.18.2-      |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		curioofundying-forge-1.18-             |Curio of Undying              |curioofundying                |1.18-        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		pneumaticcraft-repressurized-1.18.2-3.2.4-93.jar  |PneumaticCraft: Repressurized |pneumaticcraft                |1.18.2-3.2.4-93     |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Obscuria's Tooltips 1.4.1 (1.18.2).jar            |Obscuria's Tooltips           |ob_tooltips                   |1.4.1               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		create-confectionery1.18.2_v1.0.8.jar             |Create Confectionery          |create_confectionery          |1.0.8               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		WaveyCapes-forge-1.2.0-mc1.18.jar                 |WaveyCapes Mod                |waveycapes                    |1.2.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		mahoutsukai-1.18.2-v1.34.18.jar                   |Mahou Tsukai                  |mahoutsukai                   |1.18.2-v1.34.18     |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		catalogue-1.6.2-1.18.2.jar                        |Catalogue                     |catalogue                     |1.6.2               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		ToastControl-1.18.2-6.0.2.jar                     |Toast Control                 |toastcontrol                  |6.0.2               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		ars_nouveau-1.18.2-2.5.1.jar                      |Ars Nouveau                   |ars_nouveau                   |2.5.1               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		wandering-bag-1.18.2-1.0.3.jar                    |Wandering Bag                 |wandering_bag                 |1.0.4               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		hexcasting-forge-1.18.2-0.9.0.jar                 |Hex Casting                   |hexcasting                    |0.9.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		forge-1.18.2-40.1.51-universal.jar                |Forge                         |forge                         |40.1.51             |DONE      |Manifest: 84:ce:76:e8:45:35:e4:0e:63:86:df:47:59:80:0f:67:6c:c1:5f:6e:5f:4d:b3:54:47:1a:9f:7f:ed:5e:f2:90
		FeederHelmet-40.0.0.jar                           |AutoFeederHelmet              |feederhelmet                  |40.0.0              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		adaptive_performance_tweaks_player_1.18.2-3.5.1.ja|APTweaks: Player              |adaptive_performance_tweaks_pl|3.5.1               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		idas_forge-1.2.0+1.18.2.jar                       |Integrated Dungeons and Struct|idas                          |1.2.0+1.18.2        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		selene-1.18.2-1.17.7.jar                          |Selene                        |selene                        |1.18.2-1.17.7       |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		advancementframes-1.18.2-1.1.1.jar                |Advancement Frames            |advancementframes             |1.18.2-1.1.1        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		supplementaries-1.18.2-1.4.5.jar                  |Supplementaries               |supplementaries               |1.18.2-1.4.5        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		MythicBotany-1.18.2-2.1.8.jar                     |MythicBotany                  |mythicbotany                  |1.18.2-2.1.8        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		DungeonsArise-1.18.2-2.1.50d-beta.jar             |When Dungeons Arise           |dungeons_arise                |2.1.50d-1.18.2      |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		sons-of-sins-1.18.2-1.0.9.jar                     |sons of sins                  |sons_of_sins                  |1.0.9               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		smoothchunk-1.18.2-1.9.jar                        |Smoothchunk mod               |smoothchunk                   |1.18.2-1.9          |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		TerraBlender-forge-1.18.2-           |TerraBlender                  |terrablender                  |1.18.2-    |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		MouseTweaks-forge-mc1.18-2.21.jar                 |Mouse Tweaks                  |mousetweaks                   |2.21                |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		ImmersiveEngineering-1.18.2-8.0.2-149.jar         |Immersive Engineering         |immersiveengineering          |1.18.2-8.0.2-149    |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		silent-lib-1.18.2-6.2.0.jar                       |Silent Lib                    |silentlib                     |6.2.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Jade-1.18.2-forge-5.2.1.jar                       |Jade                          |jade                          |5.2.1               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		mmlib-1.0.2-1.18.2.jar                            |Mysterious Mountain Lib       |mmlib                         |1.0.2-1.18.2        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		jeiintegration_1.18.2-                |JEI Integration               |jeiintegration                |            |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		dimdungeons-164-forge-1.18.2.jar                  |Dimensional Dungeons          |dimdungeons                   |164                 |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		notenoughanimations-forge-1.6.0-mc1.18.2.jar      |NotEnoughAnimations Mod       |notenoughanimations           |1.6.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Iceberg-1.18.2-1.0.44.jar                         |Iceberg                       |iceberg                       |1.0.44              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		flywheel-forge-1.18-0.6.2.jar                     |Flywheel                      |flywheel                      |1.18-0.6.2          |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		steampowered-1.18.2-2.0.3-alpha.jar               |Create: Steam Powered         |steampowered                  |1.18.2-2.0.3-alpha  |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		compressedcreativity-1.18.2-0.0.11.jar            |Compressed Creativity         |compressedcreativity          |1.18.2-0.0.11       |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		create-mc1.18.2_v0.4.1.jar                        |Create                        |create                        |0.4.1               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		ars_creo-1.18.2-1.0.2.jar                         |Ars Creo                      |ars_creo                      |1.0.2               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		mutil-1.18.2-4.5.0.jar                            |mutil                         |mutil                         |4.5.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		art_of_forging-1.4.4-1.18.2.jar                   |Art Of Forging                |art_of_forging                |1.4.4-1.18.2        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		LegendaryTooltips-1.18.2-1.2.4.jar                |Legendary Tooltips            |legendarytooltips             |1.2.4               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		IntegratedDynamics-1.18.2-1.11.2.jar              |IntegratedDynamics            |integrateddynamics            |1.11.2              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		integratednbt-1.18.2-1.5.1.jar                    |Integrated NBT                |integratednbt                 |1.5.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		PigPen-Forge-1.18.2-8.0.1.jar                     |PigPen                        |pigpen                        |8.0.1               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		malum-1.18.2-1.3.6.jar                            |Malum                         |malum                         |1.18.2-1.3.6        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		FastWorkbench-1.18.2-6.0.2.jar                    |Fast Workbench                |fastbench                     |6.0.2               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		polymorph-forge-1.18.2-0.44.jar                   |Polymorph                     |polymorph                     |1.18.2-0.44         |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		JustEnoughProfessions-1.18.2-1.2.2.jar            |Just Enough Professions (JEP) |justenoughprofessions         |1.2.2               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		AutoRegLib-1.7-53.jar                             |AutoRegLib                    |autoreglib                    |1.7-53              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		AkashicTome-1.5-20.jar                            |Akashic Tome                  |akashictome                   |1.5-20              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Quark-3.2-357.jar                                 |Quark                         |quark                         |3.2-357             |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		adaptive_performance_tweaks_1.18.2-3.4.0.jar      |APTweaks (Bundle)             |adaptive_performance_tweaks   |3.4.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Tough As Nails-1.18.2-                |Tough As Nails                |toughasnails                  |1.18.2-     |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		entityculling-forge-mc1.18-1.5.1.jar              |EntityCulling                 |entityculling                 |1.5.1               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		InventoryHud_[1.18].forge-3.4.4.jar               |Inventory HUD+(Forge edition) |inventoryhud                  |3.4.4               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		upgradedcore-1.18.2-           |Upgraded Core                 |upgradedcore                  |1.18.2-|DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		FastFurnace-1.18.2-6.0.3.jar                      |FastFurnace                   |fastfurnace                   |6.0.3               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		HunterIllager-1.18.2-4.0.1.jar                    |Hunter Illager                |hunterillager                 |1.18.2-4.0.1        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		illagersweararmor-1.1.5.jar                       |Illagers Wear Armor           |zillagersweararmor            |1.1.5               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		client-1.18.2-20220404.173914-srg.jar             |Minecraft                     |minecraft                     |1.18.2              |DONE      |Manifest: a1:d4:5e:04:4f:d3:d6:e0:7b:37:97:cf:77:b0:de:ad:4a:47:ce:8c:96:49:5f:0a:cf:8c:ae:b2:6d:4b:8a:3f
		cofh_core-1.18.2-                     |CoFH Core                     |cofh_core                     |            |DONE      |Manifest: 75:0b:cc:9b:64:2e:9b:c4:41:d1:95:00:71:ee:87:1a:b3:5e:4b:da:8e:e8:39:00:fd:5d:e5:9c:40:42:33:09
		archers_paradox-1.18.2-                |Archer's Paradox              |archers_paradox               |             |DONE      |Manifest: 75:0b:cc:9b:64:2e:9b:c4:41:d1:95:00:71:ee:87:1a:b3:5e:4b:da:8e:e8:39:00:fd:5d:e5:9c:40:42:33:09
		creeperoverhaul-1.18.2-1.3.0-forge.jar            |Creeper Overhaul              |creeperoverhaul               |1.3.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		appleskin-forge-mc1.18-2.4.0.jar                  |AppleSkin                     |appleskin                     |2.4.0+mc1.18        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		alexsdelight-1.18.2-1.2.3.jar                     |Alex's Delight                |alexsdelight                  |1.2.3               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		citadel-1.11.3-1.18.2.jar                         |Citadel                       |citadel                       |1.11.3              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		alexsmobs-1.18.5.jar                              |Alex's Mobs                   |alexsmobs                     |1.18.5              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		FarmersDelight-1.18.2-1.1.1.jar                   |Farmer's Delight              |farmersdelight                |1.18.2-1.1.1        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		CoppersDelight-1.18.2-1.4.jar                     |Copper's Delight              |coppersdelight                |1.4                 |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Cataclysm-0.19.jar                                |Cataclysm Mod                 |cataclysm                     |1.0                 |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		corn_delight-1.0.4-1.18.2.jar                     |Corn Delight                  |corn_delight                  |1.0.4-1.18.2        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		culturaldelights-1.18.2-0.11.jar                  |Cultural Delights             |culturaldelights              |1.18.2-0.11         |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		NethersDelight-1.18.2-2.2.0.jar                   |Nethers Delight               |nethersdelight                |2.2                 |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		some-assembly-required-1.18.2-2.0.7.jar           |Some Assembly Required        |some_assembly_required        |1.18.2-2.0.7        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		EnderitesDelight-1.18.2-1.3.jar                   |Enderite's Delight            |enderitesdelight              |1.3                 |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		ferritecore-4.2.1-forge.jar                       |Ferrite Core                  |ferritecore                   |0.0NONE             |DONE      |Manifest: 41:ce:50:66:d1:a0:05:ce:a1:0e:02:85:9b:46:64:e0:bf:2e:cf:60:30:9a:fe:0c:27:e0:63:66:9a:84:ce:8a
		upgradednetherite_ultimate-1.18.2-|Upgraded Netherite : Ultimerit|upgradednetherite_ultimate    |1.18.2-|DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		occultism-1.18.2-1.34.0.jar                       |Occultism                     |occultism                     |1.18.2-1.34.0       |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		command_structures_forge-2.0.1+1.18.2.jar         |Command Structure Mod         |command_structures            |2.0.1+1.18.2        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		PuzzlesLib-v3.3.5-1.18.2-Forge.jar                |Puzzles Lib                   |puzzleslib                    |3.3.5               |DONE      |Manifest: 9a:09:85:98:65:c4:8c:11:c5:49:f6:d6:33:23:39:df:8d:b4:ff:92:84:b8:bd:a5:83:9f:ac:7f:2a:d1:4b:6a
		Enhanced_Celestials-forge-1.18.2-2.0.7.jar        |Enhanced Celestials           |enhancedcelestials            |2.0.7               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		ColdSweat-                             |Cold Sweat                    |cold_sweat                    |             |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Oh_The_Biomes_You'll_Go-forge-1.18.2-1.4.1.jar    |Oh The Biomes You'll Go       |byg                           |1.4                 |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Obscuria's Essentials 3.2.0 (Forge 1.18.2).jar    |Obscuria's Essentials         |ob_core                       |3.2.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		expandability-6.0.0.jar                           |ExpandAbility                 |expandability                 |6.0.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		healingcampfire_1.18.2-3.4.jar                    |Healing Campfire              |healingcampfire               |3.4                 |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		domesticationinnovation-1.4.2-1.18.2.jar          |Domestication Innovation      |domesticationinnovation       |1.4.2               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE

(tip: in the game will debug-crash if you hold F3+C for 10 seconds and could be useful for what I've done here in terms of the list)


I did look into it and apperetnlty it doesn't seem like it

the only one that I might have suspiton on is flywheel which a rendering engine used by create and part of it (or all of it) is an Instancing Engine


The only mod I am a little suspicious about is adaptive_performance_tweaks_player_1.18.2, not because I think it might be the cause of this problem, but more so; I don't know what the mod does exactly in terms of changes :P
I have no idea what the cause of the problem is, I've been playing malum with a friend on a similarly-sized modpack and haven't experienced the issue either. I'd reccomend trying to single out the culprit here; try removing mods in batches of 50% of the modpack at a time, if the issue persists repeat this process, if it doesn't; repeat the process using only the removed portion of mods


but now that I think of it.... what if its caused by setting and/or other GUI altering mods?

The ones that I do have are:
Sylish Effects: overhauls the potion effect system with improved widgets

another mod that might have a stange effect on this is a player altering mod; the only one that I might think of that could be fucking with it in this scope in the pack might have to NotEnoughAnimations which overhauls player model with some action animation; they include: eating, drinking, crossbow and bow movement, sprinting, etc along with a smooth transmission between then

IDK much but I do know that it seems to be some sort of offset or is a niche case with settings

lastly it seems that this only affects the one selected and in hand

other than that and some texrurepacks that im using (none of which alterts the mods textures that's all I can give you

I would binary method it, but atm im working on something that's expanding my horizons with the art of datapacks by taking the data in mods and making custom recipie/alterations using those as a template for what I see fit (I acutely plan on using your spirit table as well to make a few custom crafts)

if you are to busy to try and binary it, let me know and ill see what I can do


The way OrtusLib figures out the position of the stack on the screen is by checking the translation matrix offset coordinates, so whatever mod that messes with said offset might be the culprit here.
-Also I have no idea what 'binary method' means, like yeah I can guess it's something to do with debugging variables at run time at a lower level, but I haven't heard of it :P


But yeah the culprit should lie at whatever messes with screen rendering.


ill try it

also the Binary Method is also referred to as the "Thanos Method" because of how it works in modding

basically you take half a pack and run half of it (excluding the mod with the issue; depends on the case), after providing the core assets in needs for the game to run (doesn't have to be a perfect half) and then see if the bug still persits in the game. If it dosent then you isolate the mods you had just run and run the other half and see if the bug exist in that other half.

if the bug is found, you repeat the method again, and again and again until you isolated the mods that are the culprit

Basicaly halfing it over and over again


Oh yeah alright lol, that's what I described earlier :P


Maybe poorly but still, either way yeah I'd have to download your exact pack and it'd take a lot of time.


ill do it, I just need some time


I think I know what's happening, the way particles track onto items relies on each itemstack to be unique. If two matching itemstacks are present on the screen at once, the particles spawned by both items will only track to one of em, which in this case results in one of the ether items having no particles, while the other one (rendered by the hud mod) takes all of em!
As for the ether in it's block form, does that happen after you rejoin the world or just always. If the latter, turn off fabulous graphics.



I see what you mean now


yes there were there but now ceased rendering


? I dont udnerstand what you mean by the either block in the last bit there; can you elaborate on what your asking again


Kk yeah, that's fixed in the development build


This should be fixed now