Not getting the /config command
jasperfirecai2 opened this issue ยท 8 comments
i installed the lastest release for 1.12 on a sevtech: ages server and the /config command does not show up.
I'm having other issues too, but i'm pretty sure those are my-side right now.
there is no config command.. you can edit the config and call /bridge reload
also make sure you are running a matterbridge
if you are up to hopping on discord or irc i can help with the setup directly if any issues arise (the matterbridge configuration is sadly not entirely simple)
and yes that was a bad typo on the project description.. i have really not maintained that properly.. my bad
That would be awesome if you could! my discord tag is Toxic Velkoz meme aka Jasper#1440
are you sure that was not typoed.. i seem to be unable to add you, maybe try me i am in the MMD disocrd and others
my name and tag is Nikky#4527