[1.14.4] Spam from Bot w/ Sleeping Advancement
oitsjustjose opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Software Versions
Minecraft 1.14.4
Forge 28.1.61
MC2Discord 1.1.0
Issue Overview
I was testing on the Geolosys Testing Server (which I run) and wanted to use this mod. As soon as I slept, this was spammed in our chat until I stopped the server:
Other Details
I have no idea if I've done something wrong or not, but I had to go and disable the advancements feature for now. It could be a data pack we're using for multiplayer sleep (1 player is enough to make it day -- it's not a mod but a vanilla data pack that may be firing the advancement repetitively??). I can do further testing if necessary.
Proposed Solution
Regardless if it's a mod compatibility/conflict issue or not, it should probably be filtered to for the connector to not send an incoming message to Discord if the message is the same as the last message and it's been x
seconds since that last message was sent.
I add in the first or second update of M2D a way to avoid some advancement to be send while some data pack like multiplayer_sleep or vanilla recipe avancement were spamming. In the config you can find a field called "hideAdvancementList" and set it as : ["multiplayer_sleep"] and the advancement from this data pack will not be sent anymore