Can't seem to use MC color codes in chat prefix configs
SargeRyong opened this issue · 4 comments
For example, setting minecraft_chat_format to a value that includes §1 does not color the chat prefix blue, but instead inserts an unknown character. Using "\u00A71" to create the same effect results in no change to the message (possibly getting sanitized out?).
Sorry if there's a way to do this and I'm just not seeing it.
minecraft_chat_format = "<§1${member_nickname}§r> ${message}"
All other settings are defaults aside from allowing other bots to create messages.
It's on a remote host - I believe it's CentOS. Unsure about file encoding.
The above format results in this appearance:
I tested with the following config :
and i ended with this result :
Can you share more detail about your configuration (config, maybe OS, file encoding) ?
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