MC Dungeons Armors

MC Dungeons Armors


[Bug Report]: Gilded Glory HoV Disappears Immediately in Prominence II pack

TommyDong1998 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the bug; What happened?

For some reason, the hero of the village buff instantly disappeared when I use gilded glory armor set on Prominence II.

The emerald is being consumed, I see it for a brief second and it disappears. I re-spend emerald but it still disappears.

Then I walked into a village and tried it again. This time the buff stays even when I leave the village.

Expected Behavior

It should auto refresh the hero of the village buff.

Mod Version


Minecraft Launcher


Operating System



Prominence II RPG Hasturian Era

Additional context

No response


@TommyDong1998 Ill see if I can reproduce this, but this may be a question better served to ElocinDev over at the Luna Pixel Studios team as it sounds like it may be a Prominence specific issue