MC Dungeons Armors

MC Dungeons Armors


[1.18.1] Hungry Horror Armor and Guardian Gourd crash

itsdinkd opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Players of my modpack, another quality modpack 2, have been reporting that they are crashing when using Hungry Horror Armor, and some others if placed in cosmetic slot as mentioned in the issue itsdinkd/AQM2#122


Since this is an issue on Apace's end here: apace100/cosmetic-armor#11
and Apace is well aware of this issue and just has yet to deal with it, this issue will be closed.
It is also noteworthy that this is not an issue that occurs solely, with MCDA, but also Bewitchment as mentioned here: apace100/cosmetic-armor#12


@itsdinkd I tested MCDA 2.0.1 and the latest version of Cosmetic Armour with the latest version of Trinkets and could not reproduce this issue. It looks like there is some other conflict happening. It also appears from the crash log that it might be on Cosmetic Armour's end
at net.minecraft.class_970.cosmeticarmor$renderArmor(


Quite possible then there is something else conflicting. I will open up a ticket with cosmetic armor and go from there. Hoping it's a simple fix and not another mod causing issues. This is the downfall of having too many mods.