[Bug Report]: mixin crash
VaporeonScripts opened this issue · 5 comments
Describe the bug; What happened?
Expected Behavior
normal load
Mod Version
Minecraft Launcher
Operating System
Additional context
This is not a mixin bug, technically (as the Sinytra Connector requires certain mods to work properly in this context). It is user error. The reason is that you are missing several of the required mods which are noted on both the CurseForge and Modrinth pages.
As stated on the CurseForge page:
Q. Forge?
When using MCDX on Forge, it is important to make sure that you have the following mods:
So, anything marked with a 🟢 is required. Anything marked with a 🟡 is optional
🟢Sinytra Connector:
🟢Connector Extras:
🟢Forgified Fabric API (in place of the Fabric API):
🟢Cloth Config API (Forge Version*):
If you are using a version of the Sinytra Connector before 40, use the Fabric version
🟡Clumps (Fabric Version), if you're using Clumps:
As stated on the Modrinth Page:
Q. Forge?
A. MC Dungeons Weapons is compatible with Forge by using the following mods: Sinytra Connector, Connector Extras and the Forgified Fabric API which are being developed by Su5eD. Please make sure to follow all of their instructions in order to have the best experience. If you wish to use Clumps, please make sure to use the Fabric version as we rely on a method that is not present in the Forge version.
Please make these corrections, especially changing your Forge Clumps installation to the Fabric version of Clumps and any issues related to MCDX in this situation should be resolved
No worries. Please read through and make sure you make all the necessary changes or you will still crash
@VaporeonScripts Thank you for your kind words! I'm so glad you're enjoying them. Btw, if you run into issues, it is much faster to get a hold of us on Discord. You can find it here: https://discord.gg/7RCRy2CuyC