


[GameWisp] Linked user can't join my server?

scalda opened this issue ยท 3 comments



I have finally got the token and such entered into the config file and got the server loading now problem.
I can join the server no problem but i have got one of my pledges testing it and they have successfully linked their accounts as you can see here linked

but they are getting rejected with this message Rejected

and i am getting this in my console console output
Here is my config

Any help would be great thanks

PS. Also how do i whitelist non sub people?


You can manually whitelist people by using the vanilla whitelist command (or by making them OP).
Just don't enable the vanilla whitelist. (In theory it should matter, but I've forgotten to deal with that in the past.)

EDIT: I'm analysing the error at the moment, it's possible there is something wrong with the GameWisp API or my integration. While I'm trying to fix it, please don't change your API token, so I can test with it. (I don't have other active GameWisp users I can use to test with.)


OK, it should be fixed, I made a typo in the server side code. No change required on your end, although I do recommend you make a new API token. Use /api reset in the linking server.


thanks for sorting this out, my subs can now successfully join my servers. I also grabbed a new token.

Thanks again