MCMT causes world to be bricked

Serial-Comma opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hi, so I installed MCMT this week on my forge 1.16.5 server after TPS drops started becoming really annoying. However, a few days later (now), a there have been random crashes of increasing frequency, to the point where the server either crashes a few seconds after it starts or it doesn't even start at all. This happens even after the mod is removed. The Forge Project suspects the MCMT has caused the world itself to become corrupted for some reason, which is why I'm making this issue.

I've placed the logs of the latest crash here. If this is an issue that could be looked into more, I can export the entire world if needed.

For now, I personally don't need support because I have made backups regularly, but I don't think I'm the only one experiencing this.


What mods are you running?