Suggestion/Related Mod Idea: "MCPNP" for servers
Siuolplex opened this issue ยท 1 comments
(Note: I realize that this may seem dumb, but trust.)
I have noticed, in my time playing minecraft with friends and the alike, that while setting up a server, our main boundary of entry was Port Forwarding.
Im proposing that a variant of MCPNP be made for servers exclusively. Allowing potential server hosts to simply grab a jar, set the settings correctly, and host a full server.
This would allow prevention of the dreaded player on server reliance. And as such, someone could simply have the server open, whilst not having to have their account in the world to host it.
Perhaps the mod would grab the port that the settings.txt wants to go to, or it could also just be set to a specific port.
Either way, that is my proposal.