Mechanics - Crafting Ways

Mechanics - Crafting Ways


Alloy Smelter does not accept ore dictionaries as ingredients

xkforce opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Recipes that use ore dictionaries as ingredients like ore:plankWood do not give an error but they don't work either.


Sorry for the late response, but could you give an example recipe? I am unable to duplicate this. For example

mods.mechanics.addAlloyFurnaceRecipe(<ore:logWood>,<ore:plankWood>,<minecraft:clay>); looks fine in JEI and works fine when tested


I've tried

mods.mechanics.addAlloyFurnaceRecipe(ore:plankWood, minecraft:gold_ingot, minecraft:diamond);


mods.mechanics.addAlloyFurnaceRecipe(minecraft:planks, minecraft:gold_ingot, minecraft:diamond);

So if I use either of those recipes, the alloy smelter won't accept planks in either input slot but it does allow gold ingots and/or diamonds to be placed there without outputting anything which is curious.


Is there anything wrong with the syntax I am using? Any extra info I can provide that might help?