Meet Your Fight

Meet Your Fight


Block blacklisting for Passage's toll and other potential configuration inclusions for modpack balancing

Darkmega18 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Passages toll is capable of phasing through just about everything which isn't bedrock. including stuff like securitycraft and other block protected things.

It would probably be appreciated if this could be configured, or you'd have an "unpassable" tag of some kind people could datapack to contain things which stop you when you hit them with a phasing chain. Possibly either trapping you inside the wall (if you pass through some terrain but hit an unphaseable surface. making it possible to trap such individuals who have it) or just denying passage in the first place.

Also, ability to configure it's cooldown. or potentially a hunger consumption per trigger and per block passed would be useful too.

other things configurable could be range for seeing mobs through walls on the eye.
Percentage of health that the caged heart triggers to protect against.
Chance equations for luck gear.

That sort of thing.

but definitely need a way to bonk the passage's toll over the head to stop it bypassing things which are meant to be secure and make it less spammable...


I tried going downwards through bedrock and it wouldn't. I guess cause the world ends afterwards there and so it won't go. but it can definitely phase through a compact machine and stuff no problem. didn't try nether roof. but I don't see why it won't.

Thank you.


I'm pretty sure it can go through bedrock too. I'll consider a tag, though in the meantime you can just disable it.