Mekanism Community Edition: GENERATORS

Mekanism Community Edition: GENERATORS


[BUG]: PRC has no dump or Behaviour button

Nocturia opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the bug

There is no way to dump the gas output of the PRC, neither a dump button (factories) nor a behaviour control option (e.g. Electrolytic separator). is this a bug or a feature?

To Reproduce

Open a PRC and try to find a way to dump gaseous output

Expected behavior

I expected an easy way to get rid of the gaseous output.

Mekanism Version


Minecraft Version is this regarding?


What OS are you seeing the problem on?


Name of modpack if applicable

No response

Version of said modpack if applicable

No response


No response

The crash report in folder ./crash-reports (both server and client logs)

no crash

Please provide the following other files

No response


hi, mekanism community edition changed the behaviours of factories to stop using the Gauge Dropper to emtpy them, and now uses a button to make it easier for new and experienced players as its fairly unknown, PRC still uses the gauge dropper, please use the Gauge Dropper, must be empty. if this doesnt help, make an enchancement request to add a button instead