Mekanism Tools

Mekanism Tools


Chemical injection Chamber gas uses

jamesjimmy88 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Issue description

The Chemical Injection Chamber has two issues:

  • The recipes use less gas than expected, in a seemingly random amount, (around 180 mB out of the 200 mB expected by the recipes)
  • The amount of gas used increases when the machine is using speed upgrades. This is in contrast with the Osmium Compressor, which always uses the same amount of gas regardless of the amount of speed upgrades.
    Both issues are present both in the basic machine and in the factory variants

Steps to reproduce

No response

Minecraft version

1.16.5 (Latest)

Forge version


Mekanism version

10.1.1 (Latest)

Other relevant versions

No response

If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here: (It's almost always relevant)

No response


The same issues appear with both the Purification Chamber and its factory counterparts


Isn't this issue kinda the same as this one that was recenty fixed?
The Osmium Compressor now always uses 200 mB of Liquid Osmium, regardless of the amount of installed speed upgrades. I expected the same behaviour for the Chemical Injection Chamber and the Purification Chamber, which are now the only machines that still act in unpredictable ways.


I believe this is intended I have no idea why they use a statistical mechanic as that is from long before I joined the dev team all I know is that they do.


Seems to be working as expected