[1.18.2]Log Spam w/ Female Gender Mod
Lucent-Spire opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Issue description
No matter player's gender and/or without any other mods installed, having both Mekanism and Wildfire's FGM installed causes the log to constantly output the following warning (see pastebin in crash reports).
- Tested with the newest versions of both mods for 1.18.2
- Tested on a fresh install (issue came up with other mods installed)
- Tested on listed forge ver. and 40.1.16
- Tested with multiple combinations of gender/breast physics settings
- Message in pastebin will repeat up to 2-3x every second if jetpack is equipped and flying, will also repeat on spawning mekasuit and/or interacting with it in inventory in creative mod
- Note that the game doesn't crash and both mods seem to function fine otherwise, but the log spam is a bit much.
- Hopefully that's enough for you to narrow down the issue, can provide more info if needed.
Steps to reproduce
- Install all listed mods
- Load any world
- Open console log (tested on both multiMC and polyMC)
- (OPTIONAL) equip jetpack and fly around
- Observe log spam
Minecraft version
1.18.2 (Latest)
Forge version
Mekanism version
10.2.0 (Latest)
Other relevant versions
- Wildfire's Female Gender Mod v. 2.9
If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here: (It's almost always relevant)
Built the latest commit from source, looks like that fixed it under the same conditions. Thanks!
Hmmm I don't get how that is possible but I will try looking at it again because maybe I missed something.
This is still occurring on MC 1.18.2, Mekanism 10.2.1, Forge 40.1.25, and WFGM 2.9. No other mods installed, same reproduction method.
Log: https://pastebin.com/7Tf9UUH5 (more complete this time)