Mekanism Tools

Mekanism Tools


Resistive heaters not generating heat when connected to specific TEPs

Xebakyr opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Issue description

A player on my server is trying to setup their Tritium production for their Fusion reactor. However, their TEPs are not being heated by the connected resistive heaters. We've tried completely rebuilding the towers (breaking every block, pipe and connected machine, including the heaters and entangloporters) however this does not fix the issue. This isn't present when making a brand new TEP in a different location despite being 2 blocks over from the old, non functional ones, at the same Y level.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Build Thermal Evaporation Plant at Y-56
  2. Pipe water in
  3. Connect Thermodynamic Conductors to another port
  4. Connect resistive heater to Conductors, set RF usage
  5. Heat doesn't raise

Minecraft version

1.18.2 (Latest)

Forge version


Mekanism version

10.2.0 (Latest)

Other relevant versions

'Rubidium Dynamic Lights' (dynamiclightsreforged:1.18.2_v1.3.1),
'Create Stuff Additions' (create_stuff_additions:1.1.5),
'APTweaks: Core' (adaptive_performance_tweaks_core:3.5.1),
'FTB Essentials' (ftbessentials:1802.1.7-build.42),
'SuperMartijn642's Config Lib' (supermartijn642configlib:1.0.9),
'PAUCAL' (paucal:0.3.4),
'Techemistry' (techemistry:1.18.2-3),
'PlantTech 2' (planttech2:0.02.46),
'Macaw's Windows' (mcwwindows:2.0.3),
'Windowlogging' (windowlogging:0.0.8),
'Macaw's Roofs - BYG' (macawsroofsbyg:1.18.2-1.0),
'Neat' (neat:1.8-30),
'Iron Jetpacks' (ironjetpacks:5.1.0),
'Essentials' (essentials:1.18.2-2.13.5),
'ForgeEndertech' (forgeendertech:,
'ConnectedTexturesMod' (ctm:1.18.2-1.1.4+4),
'ReAuth' (reauth:4.0.0),
'Modern Life' (modernlife:1.18.2-1.54),
'Wither Skeleton Tweaks' (wstweaks:7.1.2),
'Shrink' (shrink:1.3.1),
'APTweaks: Gamerules' (adaptive_performance_tweaks_gamerules:3.5.1),
'DarkUtilities' (darkutils:10.0.4),
'Apotheosis' (apotheosis:5.3.4),
'Balm' (balm:3.0.3+0),
'Cloth Config v4 API' (cloth_config:6.2.62),
'ShetiPhian-Core' (shetiphiancore:3.10.8),
'Amplified Nether' (amplifiednether:0.0NONE),
'Repurposed Structures' (repurposed_structures:5.1.6+1.18.2),
'More Villagers' (morevillagers:3.2.0),
'Better Compatibility Checker' (bcc:1.1.14-build.26+mc1.18.2),
'Iron Furnaces' (ironfurnaces:3.2.1),
'Macaw's Trapdoors' (mcwtrpdoors:1.0.5),
'Silent Gear' (silentgear:2.10.1),
'SuperMartijn642's Core Lib' (supermartijn642corelib:1.0.18),
'Botania' (botania:1.18.2-431),
'Mystical Adaptations' (mysticaladaptations:1.18.2-1.1.1),
'Extended Lights' (extlights:4.4),
'Advanced Generators' (advgenerators:,
'Nuclear Science' (nuclearscience:1.18.2-0.4.8-10),
'Infiniverse Utils' (infiniverse_utils:,
'ButchersDelight' (butchersdelight:1.0.0),
'Macaw's Roofs' (mcwroofs:2.1.2),
'Little Logistics' (littlelogistics:1.2.3),
'Chargers' (chargers:,
'Curios API' (curios:1.18.2-,
'Macaw's Furniture' (mcwfurnitures:3.0.0),
'Adorn' (adorn:3.4.0+1.18.2),
'FallingTree' (fallingtree:3.5.1),
'Infiniverse' (infiniverse:,
'FastLeafDecay' (fastleafdecay:28),
'Ars Magica: Legacy' (arsmagicalegacy:1.18.2-1.0.1),
'GeckoLib' (geckolib3:3.0.15),
'Macaw's Lights and Lamps' (mcwlights:1.0.3),
'Quark Oddities' (quarkoddities:1.18),
'Client Tweaks' (clienttweaks:7.1.0),
'APTweaks: Spawn' (adaptive_performance_tweaks_spawn:3.5.1),
'rechiseled' (rechiseled:1.0.10a),
'Just Enough Items' (jei:,
'The Graveyard' (graveyard:1.7),
'Goblin Traders' (goblintraders:1.7.2),
'Caelus API' (caelus:1.18.1-,
'BdLib' (bdlib:,
'Falling Leaves' (fallingleaves:1.3.2),
'Nature's Compass' (naturescompass:1.18.2-1.9.5-forge),
'Serene Seasons' (sereneseasons:1.18.2-,
'LibX' (libx:1.18.2-3.2.10),
'Advanced Hook Launchers' (adhooks:,
'Farming for Blockheads' (farmingforblockheads:10.0.1),
'PneumaticCraft: Repressurized' (pneumaticcraft:1.18.2-3.1.5-70),
'Snow Under Trees' (snowundertrees:1.2.1),
'A Lib' (alib:1.18.2-2),
'Electrodynamics' (electrodynamics:1.18.2-0.6.3-9),
'JEI Tweaker' (jeitweaker:,
'CraftTweaker' (crafttweaker:9.1.129),
'Mekanism' (mekanism:10.2.0),
'Crossroads' (crossroads:1.18.2-2.7.5),
'EXP Bottling' (exp_bottling:1.18.2-0),
'Integrated Dungeons and Structures' (idas:1.1.2+1.18.2),
'MythicBotany' (mythicbotany:1.18.2-2.1.2),
'Alchemistry' (alchemistry:1.18.2-5),
'Zero CORE 2' (zerocore:1.18.2-2.1.15),
'Minecraft' (minecraft:1.18.2),
'Dynamic Electricity' (dynamicelectricity:1.18.2-0.4.0-0),
'The One Probe' (theoneprobe:1.18-5.1.0),
'Applied Energistics 2' (ae2:11.0.0-alpha.6),
'TerraBlender' (terrablender:1.18.2-,
'Mouse Tweaks' (mousetweaks:2.21),
'Immersive Engineering' (immersiveengineering:1.18.2-8.0.1-147),
'Ding' (ding:1.3.0),
'Mysterious Mountain Lib' (mmlib:1.0.1-1.18.2),
'Flywheel' (flywheel:1.18-0.6.2),
'Compressed Creativity' (compressedcreativity:1.18.2-0.0.10),
'Croptopia' (croptopia:2.0.1),
'Experience Obelisk' (experienceobelisk:1.2.0),
'Polymorph' (polymorph:1.18.1-0.43),
'AutoRegLib' (autoreglib:1.7-53),
'FastFurnace' (fastfurnace:6.0.3),
'Neon Craft 2' (neoncraft2:2.2),
'Lootr' (lootr:,
'Occultism' (occultism:1.18.2-1.33.3),
'Oh The Biomes You'll Go' (byg:1.4),
'Extreme Sound Muffler' (extremesoundmuffler:3.24_forge-1.18.1),
'CosmeticArmorReworked' (cosmeticarmorreworked:1.18.2-v2),
'XP Tome' (xpbook:2.1.5),
'Druidcraft Regrown' (druidcraftrg:0.0.12),
'Hexerei' (hexerei:0.1.18),
'No Null Processors' (no_null_processors:2.0.2+1.18.1),
'NetherPortalFix' (netherportalfix:9.0.0),
'AIOT Botania' (aiotbotania:1.18.2-2.1.1),
'Advanced Peripherals' (advancedperipherals:0.7.13a),
'pet_your_cat' (pet_your_cat:1.0.0),
'Health Overlay' (healthoverlay:6.0.0),
'Multi Mine' (multimine:1.18.2),
'Macaw's Bridges - BYG' (macawsbridgesbyg:1.18.2-1.0),
'Industrial Agriculture' (industrialagriculture:1.18.1-1.8.17),
'Sophisticated Core' (sophisticatedcore:1.18.2-,
'KleeSlabs' (kleeslabs:11.1.0),
'Gauges and Switches' (rsgauges:1.2.16),
'CookingForBlockheads' (cookingforblockheads:12.0.1),
'Controlling' (controlling:9.0+19),
'Placebo' (placebo:6.2.1),
'Ortus Lib' (ortus:1.18.2-1.0),
'Citadel' (citadel:1.11.3),
'Alex's Mobs' (alexsmobs:1.18.1),
'Feature NBT Deadlock Be Gone' (feature_nbt_deadlock_be_gone:2.0.0+1.18.2),
'Bookshelf' (bookshelf:13.0.13),
'Sophisticated Backpacks' (sophisticatedbackpacks:1.18.2-,
'Twigs' (twigs:1.1.4-patch1+1.18.2),
'Building Gadgets' (buildinggadgets:3.13.0-build.5+mc1.18.2}),
'FramedBlocks' (framedblocks:5.1.1),
'Forge' (forge:40.0.46),
'AppleSkin' (appleskin:2.4.0+mc1.18),
'Aquaculture 2' (aquaculture:1.18.2-2.3.6),
'Macaw's Doors' (mcwdoors:1.0.6),
'Ranged Wireless Redstone' (rangedwirelessredstone:1.18-2.0.1),
'Mekanism: Generators' (mekanismgenerators:10.2.0),
'Mob Grinding Utils' (mob_grinding_utils:1.18.2-0.4.37),
'Create Cafe' (createcafe:1.3-1.18.2),
'Equipment Compare' (equipmentcompare:1.2.12),
'Macaw's Bridges' (mcwbridges:2.0.2),
'Farmer's Delight' (farmersdelight:1.18.2-1.1.0),
'Steel's Delight' (steelsdelight:1.1),
'Corn Delight' (corn_delight:1.0.3-1.18.2),
'Hostile Neural Networks' (hostilenetworks:3.0.9),
'EnderTanks' (endertanks:1.11.5),
'Mekanism: Additions' (mekanismadditions:10.2.0),
'Macaw's Fences and Walls' (mcwfences:1.0.4),
'Wireless Chargers' (wirelesschargers:1.0.6),
'Simply Light' (simplylight:1.18.2-1.4.2-build.31),
'Patchouli' (patchouli:1.18.2-67),
'Ars Nouveau' (ars_nouveau:2.4.0),
'Time In A Bottle' (tiab:2.1.0-mc1.18.1),
'libnonymous' (libnonymous:2.1.0),
'FTB Ultimine' (ftbultimine:1802.3.3-build.55),
'Enigmatic Legacy' (enigmaticlegacy:2.21.1),
'Enigmatic Lockbox' (enigmaticlockbox:v1.0.1),
'Runelic' (runelic:11.0.1),
'Mekanism: Tools' (mekanismtools:10.2.0),
'Architectury' (architectury:4.4.58),
'FTB Library' (ftblibrary:1802.3.6-build.115),
'Create Chunkloading' (createchunkloading:1.1.0),
'FTB Teams' (ftbteams:1802.2.6-build.51),
'Curious Elytra' (curiouselytra:1.18.1-,
'CC: Tweaked' (computercraft:1.100.4),
'Energy Meter' (energymeter:3.2.0),
'AI-Improvements' (aiimprovements:0.4.0),
'Extreme Reactors' (bigreactors:1.18.2-2.0.41),
'Productive Bees' (productivebees:1.18.2-,
'Trash Cans' (trashcans:1.0.15),
'Bad Wither No Cookie Reloaded' (bwncr:3.10.18),
'APTweaks: Items' (adaptive_performance_tweaks_items:3.5.1),
'Energy Control' (energycontrol:1.18.2-0.2.6),
'More Axolotl Variants Mod' (mavm:1.0.7a),
'Cyclic' (cyclic:1.18.2-1.7.0),
'Cucumber Library' (cucumber:5.1.0),
'AE2WTLib' (ae2wtlib:11.0.0-alpha.2),
'Enlightened End' (nourished_end:1.0.9),
'Create' (create:0.4.1),
'Create Deco' (createdeco:1.2.7-1.18.2),
'Waystones' (waystones:10.0.0),
'Builder's Delight' (buildersdelight:0.9),
'Clumps' (clumps:8.0.0+8),
'Mod List Paster' (modlistpaste:1.3.0),
'Journeymap' (journeymap:5.8.3),
'Comforts' (comforts:1.18.2-,
'Artifacts' (artifacts:1.18.2-4.0.7),
'Configured' (configured:1.5.3),
'Dungeon Crawl' (dungeoncrawl:2.3.8),
'Create Confectionery' (create_confectionery:1.0.6),
'Bonsai Trees 3' (bonsaitrees3:3.1.0),
'Minecraft Transit Railway' (mtr:1.18.2-3.0.0),
'MTR London Underground Addon' (londonunderground:1.18.2-3.0.0-1.0.14),
'McJtyLib' (mcjtylib:1.18-6.0.13),
'RFToolsBase' (rftoolsbase:1.18-3.0.7),
'XNet' (xnet:1.18-4.0.5),
'RFToolsDimensions' (rftoolsdim:1.18-8.0.4),
'RFToolsPower' (rftoolspower:1.18-4.0.4),
'RFToolsBuilder' (rftoolsbuilder:1.18-4.0.9),
'RFToolsStorage' (rftoolsstorage:1.18-3.0.8),
'RFToolsControl' (rftoolscontrol:1.18-5.0.5),
'Mahou Tsukai' (mahoutsukai:1.18.2-v1.34.12),
'Terralith' (terralith:0.0NONE),
'Drink It!' (drinkit:1.0.1),
'Hex Casting' (hexcasting:0.8.3),
'Akashic Tome' (akashictome:1.5-20),
'FTB Chunks' (ftbchunks:1802.3.6-build.138),
'APTweaks: Player' (adaptive_performance_tweaks_player:3.5.1),
'Selene' (selene:1.18.2-1.15.8),
'Supplementaries' (supplementaries:1.18.2-1.3.7),
'Mystical Agriculture' (mysticalagriculture:5.1.0),
'Mystical Agradditions' (mysticalagradditions:5.1.1),
'CraftingTweaks' (craftingtweaks:14.0.2),
'RFToolsUtility' (rftoolsutility:1.18-4.0.14),
'EnchantmentDescriptions' (enchdesc:10.0.3),
'Silent Lib' (silentlib:6.2.0),
'Moving Elevators' (movingelevators:1.3.7),
'It's Just Lights' (itsjustlights:1.0.3),
'Iceberg' (iceberg:1.0.40),
'Quark' (quark:3.2-353),
'JAOPCA' (jaopca:,
'Iron Barrel' (iron_barrel:1.0.0),
'Chem Lib' (chemlib:1.18.2-2),
'PigPen' (pigpen:8.0.1),
'Malum' (malum:1.18.2-1.3.5),
'Fast Workbench' (fastbench:6.0.2),
'Ars Elemental' (ars_elemental:1.18.2-,
'EnderChests' (enderchests:1.9.4),
'Applied Botanics' (appbot:1.0.1),
'Assembly Line' (assemblyline:1.18.2-0.4.2-3),
'Ferrite Core' (ferritecore:0.0NONE),
'Engineer's Decor' (engineersdecor:1.1.22),
'Chisel' (chisel:1.18.2-2.0.2-alpha.17),
'Spice of Life: Carrot Edition' (solcarrot:1.18.1-1.12.0),
'More Dragon Eggs' (moredragoneggs:3.1),
'BetterF3' (betterf3:1.2.4),
'Applied Mekanistics' (appmek:1.1.5-beta),
'ExpandAbility' (expandability:6.0.0),
'Valhelsia Core' (valhelsia_core:1.18.2-0.3.1),
'Forbidden & Arcanus' (forbidden_arcanus:1.18.2-2.0.0),
'Chisels & bits' (chiselsandbits:1.2.87),
'Morph-o-Tool' (morphtool:1.5-32),
'Create Crafts & Additions' (createaddition:1.18.2-20220424a)

If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here: (It's almost always relevant)


Yeah, I've tried reconnecting the heaters both by conductors and direct valve connections. I wouldn't be surprised if this is something that can't be reproduced at all - moving the heater 3 blocks to the right works perfectly, right up until its connected to the plant, at which point the heat immediately drops to 0.0yk. This happens with both creative spawned heaters and survival crafted ones, regardless of whether the tower has been completely rebuilt or not. This is also happening with a total of 12 towers in the same general area, but moving any one of them one block over causes the heater to function immediately, whilst the others remain non functional.


I am not able to reproduce this, did you try connecting the heater directly to the valve? I somewhat wonder if maybe the conductor had bugged out.


Out of curiosity which biome is this in (also is it y = 56 or y = -56, slightly unclear)


Sorry bout the slow reply. It's at minus 56, in a river biome. I initially thought that the biome may be the cause of it m but i thought that river biome wouldnt make resistive heaters unable to generate heat


Whoops, sorry. From what I can tell, they never work at those specific coordinates, and work forever if I move it a couple blocks. I haven't seen them break after moving.


Hmm you mind looking at and giving me the four corners of one of the towers that don't work? That way I can try putting one in a similar spot.


Hmm I am not able to reproduce this (not that I was fully expecting to be able to). But once the evap towers are moved do they keep working or do they randomly break again (such as after a server restart or something)? I am trying to track down how to potentially go about reproducing the issue. Also what energy value are the heaters set to use


Resistive heaters (and consequently, evap towers) continue to work after being moved, from what I can tell. I've still had no issues with the ones at my own base. I've tried a bunch of values on the heaters, including 1 fe/t (just to see if it changed at all), 20k fe/t and 1m fe/t. None of them make any (visible) change, and towers continue to remain at 0mb/t production rate despite a full tank of water. Only thing I can see is that the issues seems to be more with the heaters than the towers themselves, though i'm not entirely sure on that.


That doesn't quite answer my question. As you said the towers don't work at specific positions, do they just never work there or do they just not work in the general area and only work shortly after moving but break again at some point.


Sorry to leave this on hold for so long - I haven't had a fully functional mouse so getting on has been a pain. To update, the issue now seems to be affecting other towers/heaters within the same base, in in different spots. My own heaters throughout my own base are still functional. The opposite corners of one of the are
x:-25337, z:-18995, y:55
x:-25340, z:-18992, y:51