Mekanism Tools

Mekanism Tools


Teleporter, issue or limitation?

A00826925 opened this issue · 4 comments


Issue description

Im trying to teleport 4 million blocks ( i know... ) using the teleporter... is this too much? im using the anchor upgrades and they still wont work... is there a hard limit on how far they can teleport?

Steps to reproduce

using this modpack:

  1. set first teleporter anywhere, add anchor upgrade
  2. set teleporter 4 million block away, add anchor upgrade
  3. link them
  4. cant teleport

both are powered with an advanced solar pgenerator, it works on small distances.

Minecraft version

1.19.2 (Latest)

Forge version


Mekanism version

10.3.8 (Latest)

Other relevant versions

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If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here: (It's almost always relevant)

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i think the energy required to travel 4 million blocks would be insane, is there any way to limit the enrgy use to a set amount?

(is the config the #Quantum Entangloporter Settings section?)


There is a base energy used for per block teleported so higher distances will use more energy. If the energy needed is more than the internal buffer of the teleporter block (or portable teleporter), you won’t be able to teleport. You can increase the internal buffers of both teleporter block and portable teleporter from one of the config files, either general.toml or client.toml, I don’t remember which one.


The only way to limit the energy usage is to increase/decrease the internal buffer


do you happne to know how much should i increase it to reach 4 million blocks? i added various 0s to the original number and continued to not work...