Mekanism Tools

Mekanism Tools


Fusion Reactor Logic Adapter - Insufficient Fuel Mode

haekkzer opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Issue description

The Logic Adapter of the Fusion Reactor with Mode set to Insufficient Fuel does not work.
Or should i say its inverted?
You can cleary see (in the image), that the Reactor does not have any fuel in it, so i think it should output a signal, but it isnt?
Case 1

And here tested again, it outputs a signal, when it should not.
Case 2
Am i missing something or am i just a ret***?

The first case is from a multiplayer Server and the second from Singleplayer.

I am playing Valhelsia 5 - 5.0.18a

Steps to reproduce

  1. Build Fusion Reactor
  2. Heat it up with 4 Resistive Heaters and Thermodynamic Conductor (I use this method since it just takes a few seconds with 4 max Heaters)
  3. Connect D T Fuel
  4. Start the Reactor
  5. (stop injecting D T Fuel for case 1)

Minecraft version

1.19.2 (Latest)

Forge version


Mekanism version

10.3.8 (Latest)

Other relevant versions

No response

If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here: (It's almost always relevant)

No response


Will be fixed for mek 10.3.9, seems that the check previously only looked at if there was enough deuterium and tritium in the reactor for the current injection rate. So for the case of the rate being zero it was not powered as it didn't need any and for feeding D-T fuel directly it didn't work as it wasn't checking that. Now it checks to make sure:

  • There is no D-T Fuel available
  • The injection rate is either zero OR one of the components isn't present (this second part is the check that existed before)