Mekanism Tools

Mekanism Tools


Atomic disassembler not consuming energy in a JustDireThings block breaker

Gaz492 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Issue description

When using the Mekanism Atomic Disassembler in either the Simple or Advanced block breaker from Just Dire Things, no energy is used from the charged tool.

Issue originally reported at FTBTeam/FTB-Modpack-Issues#5943
Also reported issue to Direwolf20-MC/JustDireThings#227

Steps to reproduce

  1. Place JustDireThings block breaker down
  2. Put a charged atomic disassembler in the block breaker
  3. Put a block in front of block breaker
  4. Check atomic disassembler
  5. Notice it didnt consume energy

Minecraft version

1.21.1 (Latest)

NeoForge version


Mekanism version

10.7.7 (Latest)

Other relevant versions


If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here: (It's almost always relevant)

No response


I can confirm that this was already an issue in Mekanism v1.20.4- I had been exploiting it! >:D


This is not something we can solve. JDT needs to actually tell the Disassembler that it has been used