Mekanism Tools

Mekanism Tools


QIO Dashboard not accessing QIO Driver Array contents after leaving the chunk

sweetymajo opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Issue description

When I leave the chunk where the QIO Driver Array is located, I am unable to access its contents via the QIO Dashboard.
2025-01-04_03 09 19

Steps to reproduce

  1. Place a QIO Driver Array at coordinates (1000, 70, 1000) and insert a QIO Drive into it.
  2. Create a Frequency called "m" for the QIO Driver Array.
  3. Place a QIO Dashboard next to the QIO Driver Array and set its Frequency to "m".
  4. Open the QIO Dashboard and access the contents of the QIO Drive in the QIO Driver Array. I was able to insert some cobblestone into it.
  5. Travel to coordinates (-1000, 70, -1000) and place another QIO Dashboard.
  6. Set the Frequency of the new QIO Dashboard to the same "m" Frequency.
  7. Open the new QIO Dashboard, but it can no longer access the QIO Drive in the original QIO Driver Array.

Minecraft version

1.20.x or earlier (No longer being developed)

NeoForge version


Mekanism version


Other relevant versions

mods list:
Mekanism v10.4.13.69
Mekanism Generators v10.4.13.69
Mekanism Tools v10.4.13.69
Mekanism Additions v10.4.13.69

If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here: (It's almost always relevant)

No response


You need to chunk load it.
Mekanism options are the Anchor upgrade or the dimensional stabilizer