- 2
Game Hard-Crashes when opening certain mod config menus (something about Mekanism's upgrade menus?)
#7498 opened by Delfite - 0
Mekanism Random Crash With Transmitters
#7499 opened by UnknownSerhan - 1
Fission Reactor goes crazy and glitches under some conditions
#7494 opened by UnknownSerhan - 4
Modrinth Version of Mekanism cannot join Curse Version Server
#7496 opened by waddon1 - 4
QIO exporter and Importer only accepting 1 item as filter per instance
#7519 opened by leopupin - 1
Methods not found in Opencomputers II
#7500 opened by WretchedAbyss - 0
[1.18.2] Elecrolytic Separator Energy Upgrade Not Working
#7503 opened by arshiahf - 3
[1.16.5] Quantum Entangloporters are drained of all their energy when a harvester from Spatial Harvesters is placed
#7504 opened by KirikaAetheria - 0
Factories distribution mode reset after break
#7505 opened by KhanhPham05 - 0
Energy Cube say 0 FE/t input when you place it into existing energy source
#7507 opened by AlexHgC - 1
Upgrades (speed, energy) are lost when upgrading machines to factory or when upgrading factories to higher level
#7508 opened by iLLHunter - 3
incorrectly displayed MekaSuit
#7509 opened by V4kodin - 1
[1.16.5] Mekanism fluids get cracked textures while AE2 Fluid Storage and Terminal are used
#7510 opened by SMN47 - 1
Quantum entangloporter seems to not want to transfer Industrial Foregoing slime and meat
#7511 opened by Gidmark - 2
Mekanism: Generators (mekanismgenerators) has failed to load correctly java.lang.NullPointerException: null
#7514 opened by DarklyNightly - 3
Ore duplication errors with 3x, 4x,and 5x duplication (Please check Recipes [raw ore, dirty ore, clumps, shards, crystals. Might be an INDEX issue because of new Vanilla RAW Ores?]
#7516 opened by IzumiKonataKun - 2
electrolytic separato does not work energy upgrade
#7533 opened by TainanRezende - 14
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to load description for particle mekanism:laser
#7534 opened by voidwyrm-2 - 1
"Bad Omen" effect drains Mekasuit battery.
#7535 opened by BrotatochipKun - 4
The mekanism:oredictionificator is broke
#7520 opened by michaelng1129 - 1
1.18 QIO Display
#7521 opened by ixam22 - 1
Digital Miner GUI sounds are painfully high pitched
#7522 opened by ProxyPlayerHD - 2
Dimensional Stabilizer energy upgrades don't work.
#7523 opened by Stinksworth - 1
No output on fully charged induction cell.
#7524 opened by Pantheris2019 - 1
mekanism logistical pipe items getting stuck endlesly 1.16.5-1.18.2
#7525 opened by minecrafterseppe - 1
Crash after setting mekanism slurry in interface
#7527 opened by Sakreton - 1
Industrial Foregoing Chunk Loading
#7528 opened by ixam22 - 0
Pigment Mixer dissapears when cardboard box is used on it.
#7529 opened by SquidNeko - 1
Electric Pump won't pump heavy water once it has 9010 mB of heavy water in it
#7531 opened by UnknownSerhan - 3
Minimum requirement of ore before processing
#7553 opened by dittymargoo - 1
[1.16.5]Stack overflow error.
#7555 opened by DrSigma4164 - 0
Pressurized Reaction Chamber not creating Sulphur dust
#7536 opened by amishmathur2002 - 1
Mekanism v9.8.3.390 - Crash while Initialization phase
#7538 opened by VodaVodichka - 4
Ultimate Injection Factory stops processing raw ore when input slot has one item left.
#7539 opened by pettyron - 0
Trying to rotate a non rotatable block with a wrench sends a large error to log
#7540 opened by SpottyTheTurtle - 0
#7541 opened by castilio20 - 2
Mekanism V10 Crash. cannot be cast
#7542 opened by cojocariudaniel1 - 0
CC: Radioactive Waste Barrel functions not working
#7543 opened by zarillion - 4
Quantum Entangloporter Nothing is Connecting
#7545 opened by SilverBackHorse - 3
Паровая турбина не выдаёт жидкость
#7547 opened by Kellyen-Craft - 6
voice wont work 1.16.5
#7548 opened by sophienix - 6
fission going crazy in certain situation
#7549 opened by Mrkripl - 2
1.18.2 Max tier Logistical Transporter can pull items infinitely and they get stuck in the pipe
#7551 opened by Raidobw2 - 1
Mekanism 1.18.2 (multiple versions) causing indefinite server hang
#7565 opened by zoe-svg - 1
Not support IC2's EU
#7564 opened by heipiao233 - 2
Error executing task on Chunk source main thread executor for minecraft:overworld net.minecraft.ReportedException: Feature placement
#7556 opened by Azodox - 2
Hang on auto-subscribing MekanismRenderer to MOD
#7557 opened by RavynousHunter - 0
The screen color of radiation changes depends on if we look at water or not
#7558 opened by UnknownSerhan - 2
QIO Redstone Adapter can't detect the stored count of Energy Tablets
#7561 opened by UnknownSerhan - 2
Digital Miner keeps using energy when mining while there is no space left in its inventory
#7563 opened by UnknownSerhan