


(1.7.10) Ethylene not producing expected energy output in Gas Burning Generator

ate0ate opened this issue ยท 2 comments


This is using Mekanism with forge versions 1199-1205...

Forgive me if this is intended behavior but after some searching I have been unable to verify, when using ethylene in the gas burning generator I am only able to produce 360rf/t. I do understand that Hydrogen generation was completely overhauled and the electrolytic separator's energy requirements were changed to suit, but something about this seems off. When burning hydrogen in the gas burning generator I was producing about 3200 rf/t, half the required amount needed to power the electrolytic separator. When using ethylene I expected the gas burning generator would produce the full 6400rf/t, but this was not the case and the gas burning generator would not output more than 360rf/t, far less than hydrogen. The "needed" amount of RF for the electrolytic separator would soar to crazy amounts such as 160000rf as well. Here's some pics to better illustrate...


If I remember correctly, the ethylene should release more energy when burned, but burns more slowly than hydrogen. Try (in creative) hooking up gas tanks full of hydrogen and ethylene to separate generators and put the output from each into a few ultimate energy cubes each. The ethylene should take a lot longer to burn, and produce more energy in total.


This is correct - in my testing the functionality works as intended.