Crash when opening AE2 crafting terminal (Induction matrix related?)
Zaflis opened this issue ยท 3 comments
This started after i made 4 Induction Casings and put it in the ME drive. Server stays up but i crash everytime i restart Minecraft and right click terminal. I've not had crashes ever before this, and we are far in almost endgame base. I have built other Mekanism stuff with AE2 up to elite factories etc. Was going to add Induction Matrix autocrafting recipes to AE2, but now i can't play at all.
Botania r1.7-226
I figured out something new today. I realized that i can use wireless terminal, and that there were no Induction casings in system. They were in fact on the crafting terminal itself. So i wrenched it and items flew out. ME system is no longer crashing.
But then i put 1 induction casing on ordinary wooden crafting table and i crash immediately.
edit: This happens in singleplayer test world too.
Last crashlog:
Can leave AE2 out of the issue now it seems since this is just general crafting manager thing. I updated Botania to latest too before this log.
edit2: Duplicate of open issue #2938