Oredictionificator refuses ore dictionary registrations with colons in their name
UntouchedWagons opened this issue ยท 7 comments
OpenComputers adds its own version of End Stone (don't know why really) and registers that and the vanilla end stone under the ore dictionary registration "oc:stoneEndstone" but the Oredictionificator refuses to let me enter the colon into the filter GUI. I can copy/paste "oc:stoneEndstone" but it still gets refused.
I don't think the Oredictionificator really should worry about whether or not a registration name is valid and leave that to Forge.
End Stone in the ore dictionary is "endstone" while oc:stoneEndstone looks like the item name call for things like the /give command.
Does the wildcard * work with the Oredictionificator? If so, "*ndstone" might give you what you want.
Yeah the oredictionificator doesn't work. I tried itemSilicon and it wouldn't accept that either.
As seen in #3707, the Oredictionificator only works with certain oreDictionary flags for balance purposes.