


Digital Miner Problems

WarMind666 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


I am running a 1.10.2 server, and the Digital Miner will find ores, but will not pull them up, and I cannot connect anything to the back of it, where it ejects the items it pulls up. I tried the logistical pipes from the mod itself, and they will not interface with the digital miner. I have it powered by two advanced solar panels, and even though it isn't pulling up any ores, it is still pulling power. I am running version 290 of the mod, I updated from 288, where the same issues were taking place.


I am also suffering the same issue

Server side issue

mekanism version 290
Forge 2056


Hi Hi Guys.

I' ve also this Problem.

But only on my Server.
In SP it works perfect.

I've tested it on three different Servers and it never worked.
I use Mekanism 9.1.0, Minecraft 1.7.10 (Forge 1614) in Bevos TechPack.

Hope this can be fixed soon.

Best Regards



1.10.2, same issue. Works on single player, doesn't work on servers. :/


Odd, works over on our network. This is most likely a permission missing that your server staff will need to fix as this is not an error in the mod.


Odd that we are running pure forge no plugins etc where do you get these "permissions" from ????? I think you should elaborate on thing a bit more than just blaming non existent permissions from a forge server that is running no plugins.


Strange. I am op on this server... so i have all permissions.
Without op i can't use the mekanism blocks/machines/items...

It's my own Server


After going through some older issues that were the same problem you need to op the fake player for mekanism which is /mk op command works for me and will test it later to see if it actually fixes the issue but i see no reason why it wouldn't as I am assuming this is still just as valid irrespective of the version being 1.7.10 or 1.10.2 the fake player side would not of changed since then
