ME Requester

ME Requester


1.18.2 backport please

MSandro opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Describe the feature/addition!

it would be great if you could backport the mod to 1.18.2

Why would like to see this feature/addition?

I would like to use the mod in my Modpack Sky FABRICation 3


Wow nice, thank you very much


Well, I changed my mind and made a 1.18 backport for Forge and Fabric. @MSandro
It should be available in a bit when the review is done on CurseForge.


The requester is available in Lazier AE2 for 1.18.2.

I just decided to split it off of the mod for 1.19 and the future to make the development faster and more efficient. So if you need something like that, you should consider installing Lazier AE2. A backport won't happen for the standalone version, sorry.


Oh, you are on Fabric. That's unfortunate because Lazier AE2 is Forge only. Sorry about that but a backport is just not worth it anymore.


Ok thanks for the fast reply