ME Requester

ME Requester


MC 1.18.2 Fabric - Cannot see ME Requester in REI/Can't craft item

TheWyzer opened this issue ยท 6 comments




Describe the bug!

I am unable to search for, or find the ME Requester in either REI or in the ME Crafting Terminal. I tried @me and even searching for request, no joy.

I am running the latest version of AE2, 11.7.0 with the "add-on" mods of AE2Things 1.1.1-beta.1, AE2WTLib 11.6.3 (Wireless Terminal Mod), and AE Additions 3.1.2-Fabric

If there is anything else that I can provide, I will be happy to try to do so.

Also your Discord invite has expired, as I did try to go there first.

Crash Report

No response


No response

Additional Context




Did the issue happen in singleplayer or on a server?



Which Discord link do you use? We never changed the invite link since the creation of the server so everything should be up-to-date. The GitHub readme has the right one as well as the CurseForge site. Where is that invalid link located?

I also can't reproduce that issue. It's a normal crafting recipe and doesn't have any special integration in order to be shown.

Maybe you installed the Forge version accidentally instead of the Fabric version. I need to see your log in order to help you.


Thank you for the response.

This link code,, which is on this Github page, and Curseforge page for this mod.

Here is a link to my mod list, taken from the MultiMC loading log, so it is "launching" at load up, but is not shown in the in-game mod list. I don't have anything set to hidden either.

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That link is valid and the only one that exists for the server.

And this is not the log I need. You have to upload your latest.log from your logs folder.



That is strange, as each time I click the link it states it is "invalid".


Your log doesn't mention ME Requester at all. I am pretty sure you installed the Forge version instead of the Fabric version. The files are hosted under the same project.

Please use this one


OK, I downloaded it twice, and I am sure I had the fabric one. Used your link, overwrote the file and now it works. Thank you very much for your time and help.

Also, since I cannot get the link to work, I tried 2 other browsers and even the app itself, with no luck. Can you please send me an invite, REDACTED

Thank you again.