4.9.2 - Startup Crash
HalestormXV opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Seems to be a startup crash on 4.9.2. Reverting back one version resolves the crash.
Sorry, missed the post. Configs are default. Don't believe I made any changes to them.
Just as an aside, Thaumcraft is not installed but I am sure the mod detects that.
Well, I had the same crash after installing the mod. We share these same mods: smoothfontcore & smoothfont (renders nicer fonts, shouldn't cause that error), foamfixcore & foamfix, appleskin, blockcraftery, chameleon, Mantle, inspirations, surge and forgelin.
The full crash log is here: https://paste.dimdev.org/wamowizupe.mccrash.
I don't know how does foreach work in java, but I think it is a very interesting crash.
Removing the metals I don't have in my pack from the upgrade path, fixes this.
I have all the metals in the upgrade path that are listed. I let the mod generate a fresh set of configs and turned off HungryChests and MineCartChests as well as RefinedRelocation Chests just in case.
That is the configs with the update. Crash looks like some type of Malformed Array perhaps during the recipe registration according to the CrashLog which may make sense with all upgrade paths now becoming configurable. BUT, I am not the author of this mod so I have no clue lol. I leave it to the author's capable hands.