Metallurgy 4: Reforged

Metallurgy 4: Reforged


Suggestion: move tar config to worldgen.cfg, lower default value

Partonetrain opened this issue ยท 10 comments


I'm using build #423, I realize this is unreleased version but I figured I'd point it out.

The frequency of tar pits config is currently in general.cfg
I:"The spawnrate percentage of tar lake in the overworld"=25
I think it would make more sense to have it in worldgen.cfg

Also, the default value (25) is way too high. They are more frequent then water pools (see screenshot)

2019-04-03_22 31 10


Yeah it's a bit unbalanced imo, I told @HurtsAsHell some time ago. We'll talk again about it

About the config entry: I'll move it eventually

Thanks for the report!


I'm playing metallurgy with the dame percentance and i haven't much bitumen lake. Could you tell me what percentance Is the best one?

Remember that the fluid tar governo only the Tar and bitumen ( one for the Road and One like the coal )


I refactored the cofig entry and
I tried lowering spawn chance to 20 ~
this issue will close as soon as I push the commit although this issue is open to further feedback


Water lake defaults to 4%.
As of 0.2.1 Tar lake defaults to 20%, which is way too frequent.
I feel tar should be less frequent than water lake, maybe like 0.5% or something.


mmh, 0.5 might really be too low, I'll make it 1% at first, and then I'll release a testing build so that people can tell me what they think about it

Since the old system was very limiting I opted for a rework, now spawnrate is in n/500 instead of n/100
Commit Reference: 41038d0
This change decreases drastically the spawnrate, I'm going to publish a testing build on my discord server with this new generation to check if people are fine with the new change


I just installed M4 and the config generated with tar at 250, which was way too high. It was a navigation hazard, it filled the basement of an Astral Temple. FYI.


@HurtsAsHell I turned it down to 25 and I'll test it out tomorrow. I just wanted you to know how dense it was for me in case this was unintended.
Sometimes I like to commandeer pregen structures for my first base and every single one was sitting in a tar lake. I'll investigate more and taken a couple of pics; maybe it's a mod interaction. Or maybe I'll just add some dinosaur mods. ;)


For me 250 for the tar it's ok but if you want you can change the config value @scribbler957 .


10 is good for us


I created a fresh pack with only M4 and Journey map and took a screenshot. Github's not letting me post pics right now for some reason, but it looked like the one above.

PS I'm guessing you're reusing the lake code from vanilla, but I think rarer, larger lakes would be cool.