Metallurgy 4: Reforged

Metallurgy 4: Reforged


Construct's Armory armor values

SafsoufaS opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I'm not sure if this is intentional or not but there are differing stats from metallurgy armors and Construct Armory's armors (addon to Tinker's Construct). For instance, a Promethium chest plate has an armor of 3 and toughness of .1, while on the other hand, the conarm equivalent has 2.4 armor and .84 toughness.

I would like it so that the armor's stats match. I have contacted the conarm author and he stated that the stats are given by the maker of the metals. Is there a way to fix this? Unless this is intentional.


This is intentional, all TCon's tools and Conarm's armor sets have material stats a bit lowered for 2 reasons:

  • Conarm Armor Sets, like TCon Tools are modular, can be repaired easily and can be further enhanced with traits and modifiers, while classic armor sets don't have that chance
  • Also we don't want metallurgy to be considered just as a TCon/ConArm Addon, but more like a standalone mod that has its own full integration with those 2 mods

Due to this 2 reasons we lowered armor and tools stats to balance them, however you still can change them thanks to additional tool mods like

I'm gonna close this ticket now, if you have further questions feel free to reply below or to write on our discord server