Metallurgy 4: Reforged

Metallurgy 4: Reforged


Add Alloyer Side Inventory Integration | Fix process restarting when the count of items in input slot increase

HurtsAsHell opened this issue · 3 comments


Not being implemented, Crash


The problem is the "getCapatibility" method, we need to return an instance of IItemHandler; See "TileEntityCrusher".

We need to fix the process when is added a resource in "input slot" @Davoleo Please, TEST


Can't reproduce the "Fix process restarting when the count of items in input slot increase" part. Can you give me a step by step to follow?

Ignore: Can reproduce bug but do not know how to fix right now.


Place a crusher and fill it with fuel, then put a hopper on the top and let items flow inside,
Note that every time an object gets into the TE the process gets reset @carbotaniuman