


Health display issue

Catlord-3 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I am having issues seeing how much health i have when morphed as a mob with more health, due to an issue with scaling health, classic bar, and metamorph. I have done several tests confirming this is only visual, by morphing into a mob with lots of health and dealing what would be lethal damage to myself and not dying, and my health bar not even moving. i know it has to do with scaling health because as soon as i removed it, the display worked fine. if you think another mod may be causing this issue too let me know, but i am pretty sure it is these three mods. please try and work this out as i would love to have my health scale with the morph and to have scaling health on. thank you for listening, and yes i checked if the scaling health setting is on for metamorph. i am using the latest versions of each by the way.