


Switch Pro Controller moving cursor without me touching controls

BurpOfFury opened this issue ยท 4 comments


When I try using my Nintendo Switch Pro Controller with the mod, the controller navigates the main menu on its own without me doing anything. If I open the settings with my mouse, the controller closes it again. It sometimes even closes the game. It does this every time I plug in the controller. I have tried the mod on two different computers and had the same issue on both of them. I know my controller doesn't have stick drift because I can use it on my Switch and with Steam games without any problems.


Try increasing the dead zone values in MidnightControls' settings


I am also experiencing this, not just cursor movements but all controls seem to be behaving erratically both in game and in menus. Changing deadzone values results in the exact same behaviour.


Can attest to retroposon; deadzones did nothing to fix the spontaneous movement - if I have to guess, it may have to do with gyro implementation or DirectInput being weird, since Windows's controller input viewer has a similar issue


Nintendo Switch Pro Controller-related issues are now handled in #10