


Feature: Add support for paddle1/2/3/4 keycodes from SDL mapping string

TheGhost567 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Some controllers have paddles or extra face buttons (like paddles on Xbox Elite, or screenshot on Nintendo Switch) that cannot be used with MidnightControls, even though the SDL game controller database has keycodes for them (gamecontrollerdb.txt, search for paddle1/2/3/4 or misc1).

It would be nice if you were able to bind these extra buttons to these misc or paddle keycodes with the SDL string in the "Mappings File Editor" screen, so in the event that a controller has more than the "standard" amount of buttons, even if those aren't paddles, you can still bind them to those unused codes, and use the buttons in-game.


Sadly, this doesn't work in the current version of GLFW Minecraft uses.