Military Base Decor (dead)

Military Base Decor (dead)


Reimplement Blastcraft content

Hennamann opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Get all the content from Blastcraft and add it to Military Base Decor again, possibly add some more improvements and new features along the way.

  • Blastproof Blocks/Walling
  • Hardened Bricks
  • Blast Compressor
  • Carbon Plated Walling

Why again are we keeping blastcraft content? I do not remember at all the reason.


I always liked the mod and remade it, but when I joined the team I didn't have time to maintain it whilst working on MBD so I merged it with Military Base Decor. I could separate it into its own mod again, as I don't think I'll be doing too many changes and I have more time to maintain it now. I don't want the mod to die again though.


Ah, I remember now, it's fine if it stays. I was just trying to think of why we included it to start with. Though that doesn't matter as it does fit with our goal to provide decorations.


Stale issue message