


MineColonies HUD French translation

Poissonbarbe opened this issue · 6 comments


Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues.

Are you using the latest BlockUI Version?

  • I am running the latest beta/release version of BlockUI for my Minecraft version.
    I am also running the latest versions of other mods that are part of my problem.

Minecraft Version


BlockUI Version


Current Behavior

I have issue on my mines colonies serveur.
On this interface you can see.

Pick up prio : number / number

In french vesion
wee only see
Pick up prio : nothing

(first time i use this web site)

Expected Behavior

i want for the french version have

Prio. de Récup. : Number/number

Reproduction Steps

Just click on any gestion block.



Anything else?

No response



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  • Add a comment if you have any insights or background information that isn't already part of the conversation.

This more problem of spacing in the gui, this should be fixed in mcol XML file


I mean, isn't this the usual: "BlockUI shouldn't cut off the string prematurely because parts of it won't fit, issue" ?


I mean we can implement toggleable line scrolling (or automatic but only for one line text comps), nevertheless even the English text doesn't fit the UI


Like if "This is the full text" becomes "This is the full tex" is better than "This is the full"

  • I'm even fine with a couple pixel overrun.

Well, pixel overrun is never gonna happen (for both logic and rendering reasons)
Text splitting is done by vanilla and we basically have no control over it, from my experience anything that would try to adjust it would be rather fragile and incompabitle piece of code (wrt texture packs and vanilla updates)
The only option is can see here is to create some automatic line scroll controller

Still, this UI imho needs adjustment to accomodate longer translations anyway


I did have a play a while back with text auto-scaling (if text doesn't fit, reduce font size and try again), but that got messy fairly quickly with optional word-wrapping as well.