


1.11.2 - D-man ignores repaired chests?

MoonCutter2B opened this issue ยท 11 comments


Minecolonies version


Expected behavior

If I have to repair the warehouse for some reason including missing/destroyed chests I expect the d-man to sooner or later start using the "new" chests.

Actual behaviour

  • Looks like the D-man ignores the "new" chests (at least so far). He keeps on adding stuff, even new types of stuff, to the "old" chests.

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. Build warehouse
  2. Remove some of the chests
  3. Repair the house (builder)
  4. Wait and let the D-man do his/her work for some time
  5. Check for items added to the repaired chests.
  6. Profit

Have you tried firing the D-Man and then re-hiring him?


Yes, I have now. and I even have a new D-man but so far nothing.
But on the other hand that bug with items beeing destroyd by the D-man might be a reason why I cannot see if it helped or not.


Sadly only chests placed by the builder work.
You will have to tell him to repair the Building to make the chests function again.


Sorry @OrionDevelopment he said that the builder Did make the chests, that his warehouse burnt down (or something similar where his chests were removed) and his builder Repaired it.


Ah okey, sorry missed that
Will reopen.


oh, but that is what I did.
what happened was that one of the earlier versions of minecoloneis had a bug that crashed the game. I removed the mod and then a few versions later I added it again and tried to rebuild my village house by house by placing the same building on the same spot. Most of it worked very nicely except the warehouse/d-man.


Okay, well then can you please destroy the chests you placed, and press the Repai button in are house GUI?


done that also
two hours playing since then - still no items in the repaired chests


but as I said - that could be the other D-man bug (1195)
I can wait for that update and check what happens - I'm not in a hurry


Still happening?


It looks like this issue has been solved. After a playing a 10 minutes there was items in most of the repaired chests.
Thanks mates!