


Miner has stopped working

kedamono opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Minecolonies version

version 0.8.2994

Expected behavior

  • Miner mines and guards guard.

Actual behaviour

  • The miner just stands there and does nothing. Either in the Mine hut or in their citizen's hut. Firing and hiring only results in them walking to the Mine block and just standing there. Current mine hut is level 2.

The guards ignore the mine hut even though it's well within their range. They don't go in and treat it as non-colony building.

Steps to reproduce the problem

Install version 0.8.2994 and play for a while.


same problem builded a miner got to work he got 2 iron ore and he did noting anymore for like 6 ingame days now

also are u peeps still working on the project ?


there is no mob sins i play on peacefull right now to learn the mod
and he just keeps chilling out in or near the town hall

also i use version Alpha 8.2797


It turned out that my miner just wanted some cobblestone. So, to get them to work, give them a stack of cobble and a stack of dirt.

Closing as no fix needed.