


Builders get stuck

lunadragnstar opened this issue · 4 comments



version 1.11.2 or curse X.X.XX

Expected behavior

  • I expect that when I ask a builder to build something they do it.

Actual behaviour

  • Some of the requests seem to get stuck in the queue. I'm building a huge city and when I set up a lot of build requests some of them get stuck. They can get stuck on any build object. Don't know if this is because I am putting in a ton of requests at once or not, but once a build becomes stuck, more items on the list get stuck too. I have to go to the Townhall and delete all requests and start over.

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. Put in a lot of build requests
  2. wait
  3. ...
  4. Profit

I did some more testing and it seems they like to get stuck at 422 from the center of the colony.


It does it even if I follow the builder. Sometimes they eventually continue but other times I have to wait days for it to finally be built and others I have to cancel and restart the build.


Yeah, I think the problem is the distance.
The colony runs into problems if huge parts are not loaded.
Often the builder might be waiting for the dman to come but he is far away and in an unloaded chunk.
We will have an issue discussing that.