


better building want selection for schematics

Goten87 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Minecolonies version

version 1.11.2-0.8.3123

Expected behavior

  • way to set schematics in main folder (befor decorations)
    i like to have more then 1 road system for exemple stone brick road marble road enz enz enz
    will like to have or more selection tools or to have the option to set the schematics in the root folder so befor decorations

Actual behaviour

  • your own schematics will always go into decorations folder

New selection tool

will be nice if we just have a drop down menu with the items expending to the right
so main tree->Road tree->stone tree->road u want to pick


There actually is a folder separate from Decorations called: My Schematics.

This is where all of your personal scans will be and you can rename then however you like. Check out all the info in the Official WIKI:


Your personal scans are not in "My schematics"? but instead are in "Decorations"? That would be an issue, because by default all your scans will go to My Schematics.


if i put my own schematics in the folder <root>/Minecolonies/schematics then it will show up in decorations and not in my schematics or what ever i want to have it in the root as well do we have the decorations tab to be the start of the schematics folder for your self


i dont think u get the point :P i want to have the items in the root
so that i can do Greenhouse->stone/wood->level 1-5 for exemple
now its decorations->greenhouse->level 1-5


As far as I know you can sort them like you want like decorations -> greenhouse -> stone -> 1-5