


Multiple Colonies in SSP

pmardle opened this issue · 9 comments


Had a few requests about adding the ability in SSP for allowing multiple colonies in the same world.

Is there a technical reason we can't do this, or a massive amount of work involved in adding this in as a config option?



yeah more colonys will be nice same as other world support
i have a mining world in my SSP and it will be nice if i can add a colony in there with the mining specialty later on xD


On option maxNumberColoniesPerPlayer default to 1 would be nice.
I suspect the reason why we only allow 1 colony per player is for performance reason.
But in SSP or in server with a low number of player, this could be adjusted.
At the moment a lot of the code assume we only have one colony, I don't think changing that would be trivial.

Also multiple worlds support would be nice too


Agree, also multiple world/dimensions also.
For those other mods that add dimension and "space" mods (that was an old request somewhere already).


Yeah ColonyManager has currently Problems handling this Kind of stuff.


I have a new version for the colonymanager sitting ready to go which takes care of this. But i need people who help me clean up individual prs, i just do not have the time and willpower to the clean up done. See my open pr for the initial request system stuff.


@OrionDevelopment if i know how I can do that but I have No eperience with Java or git :o


@Goten87 you need some experience with both to help. The code is relatively complex to make this kind of stuff possible.

However if you want to learn you can take a look at #1305 and see what @Asherslab is doing there.