


Improve Build tool rendering.

Raycoms opened this issue · 19 comments


Some things don't render in there:
Entities, walls, closed fences etc.


@JoseluGames do you have any idea, time?


I have almost no time but I can have a look, whats broken? If I remember correctly when I made it almost everything rendered


I will have a look on tuesday, that is my free day and I can give more time to it. I will tell you what I found out!


Ok, so that are 2 if not 3 things broken, the only one I can have a clue of what's about are the fences, they are not getting the correct blockstate (That is used to get the baked model). Later today I will try to make a kind of "Flow chart" of what the structure renderer does and where maybe the conflicting points.


For the time I've got free I'm not able to have a deep look into it, everything seems to be ok on the code and I'm not able to play and see what's wrong. What do you mean with things not rendering correctly? Rotations?


no, it's literally not there. Fences/ basically anything with a none solid block shape.


That's weird because what the code does is, it gets the baked model for the block and then renders it. Maybe it's not able to get the baked model or it doesn't find a layer to render it to.


Ok, so today I managed to do this: https://goo.gl/r6meoq
I will be working on it so we can have a "visual" reference of what it does, and it will be easier to point out where the bugs may happend. So far I can tell that the thing about blocks is probably going to be about IBlockState. For the entities I still have no clue.


I knew I was forgotting something. The problem about fixing blockstates is that we get it from many places and many times, we should use com.minecolonies.structure.lib.ModelHolder more often, it's a class made to store that kind of info so we don't need to call so many places to get the state


Yes, or at least clean it and comment it so it's easier to understand what it does, but I can't put my full attention until september, although I can start making little but some progress if you create a branch for me to work upon


Ok, tomorrow morning I'm going to at least get the workspace up and running, I'm going to also try to use IntelliJ for the first time 😁


Okay @JoseluGames I fixed the tileEntityRendering I guess, I removed the "prepare" call which made them appear.
Still, walls etc don't work well yet.
I guess we need a better way to get the state.


I investigates this problem and all the blocks have only the default blockState and not the info they need. Might be happening when we store this info.


Fixed it, will make a pr with it later.
Will improve the performance as well