


Can place supply boats close to each other, now stuck not being able to place townhall

dmb1881 opened this issue · 12 comments


Version 0.4.31

Shouldn't be able to place supply boats close to one another

Placed supply boats close to one another

Place supply boats close together...


You can place your townhall far away from your supplyship. I don't get the
problem =D

2016-10-10 21:09 GMT-03:00 dmb1881 [email protected]:

Version 0.4.31 Shouldn't be able to place supply boats close to one
another Placed supply boats close to one another Place supply boats close

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The issue comes in where i have to place it really far away... I think this could be easily fixed if there was some sort of re-package system or if the game prohibited you from placing the supply boats close to one another...


Sometimes you want to have your supplyship close to your friends one.
In F3 you can see if there is a colony close and if you can place it.

2016-10-10 21:15 GMT-03:00 dmb1881 [email protected]:

The issue comes in where i have to place it really far away... I think
this could be easily fixed if there was some sort of re-package system or
if the game prohibited you from placing the supply boats close to one

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Then just add a simple way to re-package the supply ship, so people who make this mistake can move the ship.


The thing with repackaging is ensuring that the ship was not modified or people could cheat resources. What should we do if someone took a bed and forgot where to put it back?


Why not just have an update system where if the player breaks/places a certain block, it updates anything within the radius of the ship to package with it? Or have a system where you have to abandon ship instead of being able to repackage it?


Because we then would have to store each players ship on the server for him.

Abandon would still suffer from the same problem of removing blocks later.


There needs to be some way to do it... Its really annoying because I want to be able to move my ship because I placed it way to close to another settlement.


We are too looking for a way to realize this but all ways we thought of are not working out


Perhaps a system where you have like a friendslist, and make it where only your friends can place supply boats and other extraneous items close by?


That would be a good idea @Raycoms we could block it in range and allow it for players who are at least friendly to the colony


You'll be able to place the ship as a decoration now.
Just mine your ship and use the resources to have your builder place it again.