


Streets [$5]

marvin-bitterlich opened this issue · 14 comments


Having (perhaps auto-build) roads could be a nice looking way to create immersion.

For Minecraft 1.9 there is http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Grass_path which we could use for roads.


Did you help close this issue? Go claim the $5 bounty on Bountysource.


Personally I would rather just have roads as a "Decoration" item that players can place/create/scan and use as they see fit.. getting it to "auto road" and look good is nigh on impossible


What about being able to request more than one build at a time using the build tool?

The idea would be to:

  • Open the build tool
  • chose a build (in the case a road)
  • place it
  • add to a tempory list of builds
  • repeat step 2 to 4
  • confirm all the builds which would create All the work orders related to each build

The preview would render all the temporary build until it is cancel or confirmed.

This would allow roads and walls to be build and place properly next to each other.


I agree.

Also, include the additive +1 build frame in the preview for easier spacing. (I accidentally build the 2 frames into each other). Can we have an option to prevent oberlapping buildings and add 1 to radius of each building? (Based on .schematic data). This could be a client-only option, based on the View
data collected anyway.

If this perma preview is done on the old schematica, I doubt this will work well. I have massive drops when rendering a small hut.


An other option that I can think of:

  • When the build tools is active, we could render nearby work orders.
  • add a button to "confirm and continue" as opposed to "confirm and close"

Auto-build roads cause a lot of trouble IMO.
For me there are two possible ways:

  • Create a planning tool (Which will be used for roads, walls etc)
  • Or use the build tool and give it a "cityplaning" button where we may plan roads, walls etc.

This tool may be used to design possible roads. Similar to the scan tool the player will select certain points which may become a road. These points will be rendered when the build tool is open (For building placement to not place buildings over future roads). If the road crosses a river it will become a bridge and if it crosses a mountain it will become stairs.


OK.. as clean-up is needed. Whats up with all this chatter?
Issue/suggestion is "streets". Which got voted as a deco for cleints to implement and place.
Now converssation ended in

Better still a button in the build tool GUI to toggle the view of all the as yet unbuilt structures?

Soo.. I'll close this and if there is a specific suggestion of anything else, make it?