


Player passes through supply ship. Can't interact with blocks

robstouf3 opened this issue · 2 comments


Minecolonies version 0.8.6147
Minecraft version 1.12.2
Most recent Yogbox 2 Version

After placing the supply ship, I then attempt to climb the boarding ladder but phase through the ship, as if the blocks don't exist. I can see the ship, but can't interact with any of the blocks.

  1. Place Supply ship with bottom layers submerged in water up to the bottom of the ladder
  2. Swim to ship
  3. Pass through everything
  4. Consider whether or not the player actually exists in the plane of existence
  5. Profit...by becoming a very good poltergeist.

This just in...I found the ACTUAL block you are meant to use. Was using a crafted building wand and trying to build a supply ship that way. Spoilers...it doesn't work.
