


Colony no longer exists. No colonists, no ID, nothing but empty buildings.

Bihlbo opened this issue · 7 comments


Minecolonies version

Minecraft 1.12.2
The game is the MineColonies Official modpack accessed through the Twitch app. Version 4.19

Actual behaviour

Was playing, had about 25 colonists in a town 63 chunks in area. Game crashed. Nothing unusual lead up to the crash. No reason was given by Minecraft. It simply froze, shut down and said it crashed. When I reloaded the game, no colonists exist in the world. None of the hut chests can be interacted with by right-clicking. Results of the following commands:

/mc colonies list - the list format shows, with no content. No colony listed.
/mc colony info # - numbers -15 through 15 all return the same message, that "Colony with ID X not found", except for the number -1 and when no number is entered. That returns "Colony with mayor -1 not found."
/mc colony refresh - same as above.
/mc colony addOfficer - "Please define a colony or player" is returned.
/mc colony ownerchange - same as above.
/mc colony info Bihlbo - "Colony with mayor Bihlbo not found" is returned.
/mc citizens info - "Please define a valid citizen and/or colony" is returned.
/mc citizens respawn - same as above.
/mc citizens kill - same as above.
/mc citizens list - in red: "An unknown error occurred while attempting to perform this command" is returned.

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. As I don't know what caused the crash, I cannot reproduce it. However, this has happened a few times before (4-6 times I'm guessing). No specific action has tied the events together. It has happened with 4 starting colonists and two buildings, and now this at the other end of the extreme. In the past I just broke and replaced the town hall and other hut chests, causing a new colony to be built in the same space as the old. Now however I'm looking at replacing all the advanced buildings with level 1 versions then very slowly advancing through the levels by destroying what's there, which I don't think is viable.

As long as it's possible to lose a colony completely by the game simply crashing, it's hard to call this modpack playable, so I really hope this helps.



That worked. But oh expletives, is it disheartening to lose a colony.


I am playing on the release ( minecolonies-1.12.2-0.10.109-RELEASE-universal ) and I'm experiencing this issue with no crash.
Playing on a forge server ( forge-1.12.2- )

Seems like it hasn't been working for a little while. Could have stopped working when I updated to the beta, however I have rolled back to the release. I have 69 backups and none of them work. All of them have a colonies.dat and colony1_0.dat


That solved my problem. Thanks! And thank you for the quick response!


It happened to me, but without crash. I vaited for about an hour to ae2 crystal seeds to grow. after restart I noticed that I cannot acces or place any bulidings.


@mcDandy what version are you playing on?